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Confessions & Counselings with Brian Yeakey

Brian Yeakey
Event Date: September 22, 2024 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to the public

Brian will share in great depth and detail about how to really work the LAF process and Accepting Responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions by taking everyone who would like to, through the actual experience of what it is to really work the process.

In this experiential class, Brian will be offering the opportunity to counsel with him and for you to be taken through the process of confronting and handling your fears, judgments, excuses, games, guilts, and shames! He will be taking volunteers to go through their “stuff” for everyone to learn from, as well as the individuals themselves. This class will be full-on counseling and processing experiences without any holding back or avoiding! It will be raw and real, without any censoring or filtering! So, it will not be for the faint of heart!


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