How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

Monthly Focus~ Choose back into God’s Love
What I have found is that in my dark side, in that shadow side, is often the tools by which I can do the greatest work in my light. But yet, I don’t recognize that that’s where my tools lie. I think that they are those things that lie against me. Yet, out of those weakness are my greatest strengths.
Full Excerpt ~
So, I want you to begin to look at two things: the light, and the shadow side of yourself. Begin to look and realize that we have two sides of ourselves. This is the world of duality, the light and the dark, the good and the evil, the positive and the negative.
Oftentimes, we look at the shadow side and we allow the shadow side to have power over us. And we don’t allow ourselves to look at the good of us, the light of us, the joy of us, the peace of us, the light side of us, the good qualities, the loving nature, the joyfulness, the laughter, the fun.
I’m going to ask you to open up, like a beautiful flower, and just receive what is given to you. Don’t close up and wither away. Open up, and begin to receive all that Love that is there for you to receive, and to begin to acknowledge it, and to begin to allow it in.
And, be aware that we do have that shadow side of us. That’s often the part that we identify and define ourselves with and live from, and that’s where we create from, often, is that shadow side; the lack, the less than, the horrible part of us. So, it’s up to us to look and really get a balance of the light and the dark.
What I have found is that in my dark side, in that shadow side, is often the tools by which I can do the greatest work in my light. But yet, I don’t recognize that that’s where my tools lie. I think that they are those things that lie against me. Yet, out of those weakness are my greatest strengths. Out of my fear to talk with people comes the joy of living this kind of life where I can share with you. That place that judges and says, “I’m uneducated. I don’t have a good vocabulary. I don’t know how to speak well,” out of that, I connect into and I take it to my light side and I let the Spirit use that to bring about simplicity in my expression and to allow the Loving to move through that simplicity. The way Spirit works is through simplicity.
So, when I identified that, I thought, “Oh, that’s my simple part. I’ve been judging that. I can use that to God’s benefit. So, I’ll bring it over here on my good side and I’ll use it!” And all of a sudden, my light and my dark sides become One. They merge together in harmony, and it’s a place where the soul can have full expression.
But until then, it was separated and I wouldn’t go out and share the Spirit because “I’m not educated. I don’t speak well. I don’t have a good vocabulary. So, I’ll just shut up. I won’t talk. I’ll just sit here and listen. And, you know what they say about good listeners, they must be very wise. They don’t have much to say because they have so much to say.” I played that game for a while, but really I was playing the game from that place of lack, of fear, of judgment.
So, open up and receive the light that is there for you. Boy, I’m just receiving the light from God as I do that (tears). It’s just wonderful to be in touch with that Love that comes in. I don’t want to close it off. But when you touch into that, and really can be in that, that’s where you know who you really are: is that Love, is that Grace, is that Soul that is connected to God, and you feel the connection, and you know God’s Love for you is right there all the time. All you have to do is choose back into it.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to the talk from the CD: What Separates Us From Our Loving by Jim Gordon
- Listen to the guided meditation by Jim Gordon titled: Starry Sky
- Journal focus for this month ~ do the following exercise:
- Using Jim’s example in the excerpt above: “I’m uneducated. I don’t have a good vocabulary. I don’t know how to speak well,” identify a few of your weaknesses, that you judge. (Another example of the dark side: I don’t see things the way others do, there’s something wrong with me).
- Then, identify the light side of those weaknesses that you judge by putting them in your light side and seeing how Spirit can use those weaknesses to bring about your greatest strengths in expression/tools/work. For example from Jim’s excerpt: “Oh, that’s my simple part. I’ve been judging that. I can use that to God’s benefit. So, I’ll bring it over here on my good side and I’ll use it, to bring about simplicity in my expression and to allow the Loving to move through that simplicity. The way Spirit works is through simplicity.” (Another example of the light side: I see/think outside the box, which creates solutions).
- Now Journal about what comes up for you in doing this exercise, and be open to seeing more of the dark side so you can bring it into your light side throughout this month.
Contemplation exercise: Contemplate the following statement by Jim Gordon:
- So, open up and receive the light that is there for you. Boy, I’m just receiving the light from God as I do that (tears). It’s just wonderful to be in touch with that Love that comes in. I don’t want to close it off. But when you touch into that, and really can be in that, that’s where you know who you really are: is that Love, is that Grace, is that Soul that is connected to God, and you feel the connection, and you know God’s Love for you is right there all the time. All you have to do is choose back into it.