How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.
Monthly Focus~
Much of the time when we attack or defend, it’s because underneath it we’re afraid. By holding to acceptance, we minimize the fear, both in ourselves and the other person, which then frees us to look for what feelings and issues are really involved. With acceptance, of both ourselves and of others, we can also be open to the opportunities for growth that are being presented here, rather than looking for blame and fault. Thus, by acceptance, we build bridges where there might otherwise be walls, and we make an important contribution to maintaining the spirit of Loving.
Full Excerpt~
THE LAW OF ACCEPTANCE from “Love and Loving”
The law of acceptance involves seeing and “embracing” ourselves just as we are right now, without any conditions, and then opening ourselves to accept others just for who they are as well. It is very much a matter of living in the moment, in the now, without judgments and without looking forward or backward in time.
In living the law of acceptance, we don’t fight and battle with the world. We don’t have to defend ourselves or justify things. We don’t have to prove anything to anyone, not even to ourselves.
We just move into the Loving of self and others, and into the Loving of God. In this here and now acceptance, we become able to respond with openness and caring, as opposed to reacting from judgments or fears. We just live in the moment, “going with the flow,” always holding to the neutral Loving that’s within us.
Acceptance of someone doesn’t necessarily mean approval of what they do, and it certainly doesn’t mean giving up or being passive. It just means looking with the eyes of Loving, whatever may be going on in our lives. It is only in Loving that we can see the truth as it really is, and by living the law of acceptance, we begin to realize that we don’t really need our judgments or defenses – that simply Loving is all that we really need. As we live the law of acceptance, we begin to discover the simple “is-ness” and oneness of life, and we move ourselves into the Loving that is God’ s.
As an example of how to bring acceptance into our ongoing relationships, let’s imagine that we have a partner who often gets angry with only the slightest provocation. Instead of judging them or getting angry in return, we can respond to them with acceptance. We can let the thoughts in our minds be something like, “I don’t need to react or defend myself or enter into judgments. I can center myself in the Loving and open myself to what this situation is all about, and how it can help us move into deeper partnership and Loving.” With such acceptance, we can then begin to work together to explore the anger, and then to release or resolve it.
Much of the time when we attack or defend, it’s because underneath it we’re afraid. By holding to acceptance, we minimize the fear, both in ourselves and the other person, which then frees us to look for what feelings and issues are really involved. With acceptance, of both ourselves and of others, we can also be open to the opportunities for growth that are being presented here, rather than looking for blame and fault. Thus, by acceptance, we build bridges where there might otherwise be walls, and we make an important contribution to maintaining the spirit of Loving.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to ILM’S TOOLBOX: LAF CD by Jim Gordon
- Listen to the meditation and talks by Brian and Jim from: TIME TO LET GO | 05/18/2014
- Journal: Write down all the things you want to accept in yourself and in your life. Then write “I AM” statements, claiming what you are accepting and letting go of in yourself and in your life. Once you are done writing, close your eyes, bring your awareness to the seat of the soul, and surrender by giving it all up to God.