How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

Monthly Focus~
We looked away from the Light. We looked away from our parent, our Father-Mother God. And what Mary Magdalene is offering us, and reminding us of, is to look back. Just give up that sin. Give up looking away and look back to God. Be restored. Be redeemed. Be renewed. Repentance means to turn toward. To sin means to turn away. So sin no more; be repented, be repentance, turn back to God.
Full Excerpt ~
Let’s go a little bit further now into this feminine Trinity. We have Kwan Yin who represents the Christ consciousness, the Feminine Christ. She comes forward as compassion and mercy and Loving. Then we have Mary, who comes forward representing the Mother aspect of the Creator, so we have the Father-Mother Creator. She comes forward as the feminine aspect of the Creator. She holds the image of the Goddess, if you will, of Creation. And she holds the consciousness, ever in her consciousness, of Perfection of all of creation – that all of creation might rise to its true nature and let go of all that it is not.
Then we have Mary Magdalene, who represents the Holy Spirit, the action of the Holy Spirit: the Comforter, the Forgiver, the Uplifter, that which is the one who restores us back into the Spirit that we truly are. And that’s what the Holy Spirit does; it’s the Redeemer, it’s the Savior, it’s the Restorer. So, she represents the feminine aspect of that, and she says, “Well do I know what that means because I was one who was walking the path of sympathy. I was one who was walking the path of darkness and of the world and truly I was lost. And when it was all brought into my awareness that I no longer had to walk the path of darkness but I could move into the path of Light, all I saw was I had let go of that which no longer worked for me, and pick up that which did”. And Jesus put it very clearly to her, “Your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more”.
Well sin is that which separates us from God. Sin means literally: to turn away from the Light, to turn away from God. And so Jesus was telling her just to turn back to God and turn away from God no more, that’s all that was said there. It wasn’t a judgment of ‘what you’ve been doing in the world is wrong’. That’s not what he said. He said: “Sin no more. Do not turn away from this Light, that I have given you, ever again. Ever look to the Light and you will find your Redeemer, your Savior, your Restorer”. And she found that, through the Holy Spirit, that was offered to her that day.
So this feminine aspect is a very gentle Spirit, it’s a very loving Spirit, but so is the masculine of the Trinity. It’s a very gentle and loving Spirit. But the masculine side is one that is more focused into expression, of expression in creation. And the feminine side is that part that really truly wants to restore us and bring us back. So where the masculine energy is more expansive and moving out, the feminine side is that which is more restorative and drawing us back in.
Often times, if you look in the world, it’s the feminine side that holds the focus of Spirit in the world. Who is the one in the family that is the one who ever is holding the spirit in the household? It’s the feminine side. It’s the woman in the household that often holds the spiritual nurturing consciousness of the family. And she is the one who helps to restore the Spirit and the individuals in that household however she might do that through her caring, through her compassion, through her loving, through her acceptance, through her forgiveness she restores and she nurtures and she feeds the spirit of the individual and of the family.
That’s what the feminine side of the Trinity does. It does that for the family, for the Christ that we are all a part of, that great body, that great Son of God that is the Christ that we are all a part of. That feminine side of the Trinity is ever holding for us to restore us back into the Spirit that we are. It’s a beautiful image when you see that, and when I’m getting this inside I’m seeing again Mary, as the true Creator, but she comes forward then, and she stands before me, holding the Christ child; nurturing the Christ child. And so it’s that Father-Mother God who nurtures the Christ, who nurtures and feeds and holds the Christ to Itself in Loving that the child may grow and become strong unto itself.
It’s a beautiful image when you stop and think that you are a part of that Christ that’s ever there in the arms of Mary, ever in the arms of the Mother, the Creator, not Mary so much the Mary (Mother) of Jesus, but that which she represents in this image – the Mother aspect of God. Just as God the Father was the Creator and expanded all this, the Mother is there nurturing that which has been created that it might know itself in Loving as the Mother Creator knows all in Loving.
So just think about that for a moment: You are a Christ child in the arms of the Mother God. And It just holds you and nurtures you, and It feeds you and It supports you. So if that’s true, how can we ever stand and feel as though we are alone, we are uncared for, that nobody is there for us? If we are ever in the arms of the Mother God, that Mother aspect of God, as a Christ child, how did we start feeling separate? How did we all of a sudden say, “Well, I don’t have a parent. No, God doesn’t care about me. I’m all alone in the world, poor little me”?
It’s because we, like Mary Magdalene, turned away. We looked away from the Light. We looked away from our parent, our Father-Mother God. And what Mary Magdalene is offering us, and reminding us of, is to look back. Just give up that sin. Give up looking away and look back to God. Be restored. Be redeemed. Be renewed. Repentance means to turn toward. To sin means to turn away. So sin no more; be repented, be repentance, turn back to God.
So, in looking at this Trinity now, we have the masculine side of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, and we have the feminine side of the Mother, the Daughter, and the Holy Spirit. You put those two together and what do you have? You have wholeness, and holiness, and sacredness, and you have yourself and you have a body restored. And in that then, you have the spiritual family that you are a member of. You are a part of this spiritual family of Father-Mother, Son and Daughter, and Holy Spirit; and it doesn’t matter whether you are in a masculine or a feminine body in this incarnation. That doesn’t matter because that’s just down here at this level of experience, for the moment, but it has nothing to do with who you truly are.
Who you truly are is a living part of the body of Christ ever in the arms of the Father-Mother God. You just think you have been separated because you’ve looked away rather than toward your Creator; your parent that is there for you.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to the CD talks titled: THE FEMININE TRINITY by Jim Gordon.
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey from: THE HEART OF GOD (link at the bottom of the page).
- Journal focus for this month ~ Reflect on Jim’s sharing above and journal:
- What can you give up that keeps you looking away from God?
- What can you do to look towards God to be restored, redeemed and renewed?