How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

Monthly Focus ~
The key for you is to let go. Let go of your willfulness. Let go of your complaints. Let go of your blame. Let go of your judgments. Let go!
Full Excerpt ~
The Holy Spirit is the Grace, and the Holy Spirit is That which was anchored in your consciousness at the time of Initiation, and it works with you whether you’re conscious of it or not, whether you’re willing or not. It is working with you all the time.
The key for you is to let go. Let go of your willfulness. Let go of your complaints. Let go of your blame. Let go of your judgments. Let go!
Let go of all those things that run inside of you from the etheric realm down to the physical body. Just let go of it. In that moment of letting go you will experience a movement of the Divine in you. In meditation is where the greatest opportunity for that is to take place. But in meditation you have to let go of the struggle. You have to let go.
Often times, people in meditation are talking to God through their mind, and through their emotions, and through their imagination trying to get their way, trying to get answers; trying, trying, trying, and all that gets in the way of allowing that movement of Loving and Grace to come forward and to take us higher.
It is just a short journey, if you will, to get to the soul of who we are. Really it’s just a matter of waking up; waking up to the Truth. We don’t have to journey anywhere. The Truth is who we are. We, as soul, are the Truth of God. We are the Loving of God, and all we have to do is let go of the illusionary world and all of its elements – the physical, the imagination, the emotions, the mind, and the unconscious, and wake up to the Truth of who we are.
By chanting the Name inside of us, by chanting the HU and the Ani-HU, we can begin to stir ourselves awake and begin to allow ourselves to be pulled up into the Truth of who we are. But we also have to let go of that which we think we are. We are caught up so much in this world, and to us, at this level, this is all there seems to be. This is what we have to deal with. “This is who I am”. I’ve heard that so many times. “But you don’t understand. This is who I am!”
Well, in truth, you don’t understand. I know who you are. You may not. And Brian and I are here to assist you in waking up to the knowing of who you truly are. Not who you think, or feel, or imagine yourself to be.
It is a simple, simple, simple journey, but some of us make it pretty hard. We complain, we gripe, we get angry at God and at the Teacher and at life and at ourselves, because we’re not getting it our way, we’re not getting it the way we think it should be. Just let go of that, and let it be. And let that Beingness come forward so that you can experience the truth of the Truth, and not the truth you think it’s suppose to be, because it’s not anything like you can imagine. It’s not anything like you can feel. It’s not anything like you can think. It is so much beyond all of that. And it is something that you have never experienced, if you’ve never experienced it.
If you’ve experienced it, then you know what I’m talking about because you have been above all of that, and you have moved into the Oneness. But if you haven’t, you’ve got to really let go of so much of this self, of the world, in order to enter into that. And you know, one of the greatest tools I have found for myself, that I’ve used throughout all this lifetime since I was very young, is: I give it all up to God. I just give everything up to God, everyday, all day long.
“I give this up to you, God. I give this experience up to you. I give this person up to you. I give this opportunity up to you. I give this problem up to you.” Just everything, I give up to God. Sometimes I actually even say, “You know, I don’t know what to do with this. I don’t know what to do with myself right now. I don’t know what to do with my mind. I don’t know what to do with this person. I don’t know what to do with this situation, so I’m just giving this up to you for you to do it. Do it in me and through me. Do it however you want. Just do it, because I don’t know how.”
I’ll tell you what, if you can really come to a place inside of yourself where you can do that, you’re going to find God so quickly, and you’re going to find the Truth of who you are, as soul, so quickly. And here’s a key: you can’t fake it and have it happen. It’s got to come from a very sincere place inside of you. And it has to just happen. God knows the difference between when we’re faking it and testing him, and when we’re really sincere. And there will be day, I promise you, where all of a sudden you will just look up and say, “Okay God, I’ve got to give this up to you. I don’t know what to do. I can’t do this alone. I need you. I need you to do this with me and for me.” And you will get the response.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to the talk by Jim Gordon titled: The Extraordinary Journey Of The Soul 08/20/2017
- Listen to the guided open ended meditation by Brian Yeakey titled: Greater Action Of Freedom And Liberation
- Journal what you want to let go of and Give Up To God. Then fill in the blanks: “I give (this) _____________________ up to you, God. I give (this experience) ______________________________ up to you. I give (this person) __________________ up to you. I give (this opportunity) ______________________________ up to you. I give (this problem) ________________________________________up to you. You know, I don’t know what to do with (this) ___________________________. I don’t know what to do with myself right now. I don’t know what to do with my mind. I don’t know what to do with (this person) ________________________________________. I don’t know what to do with (this situation) _________________________________, so I’m just giving this up to you for you to do it. Do it in me and through me. Do it however you want. Just do it, because I don’t know how.”