How to Understand God (HUG)

The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.



Monthly Focus ~ 


Here’s the secret. When the world beats you down, stop resisting and pushing back. This isn’t about rising to the challenge in the world. This is about rising to the opportunity of the Spirit within. That’s what it’s about. 

The key to it is to first find that Loving within yourself.

The only neutral place is that Loving inside, at the seat of the soul. It’s the only place that’s really neutral in this creation. Nothing else in this creation is neutral other than right here (at the seat of the soul), because we have to go into the light of our own soul where neutrality exists. So it’s a journey into That. 


Full Excerpt ~

Brian Yeakey

Here’s the secret. When the world beats you down, stop resisting and pushing back. This isn’t about rising to the challenge in the world. This is about rising to the opportunity of the Spirit within. That’s what it’s about. 

One of the things we need to realize, for those of us who are seriously walking this pathway of awakening to God, is the world is actually here to assist us to push us back inside of ourselves. Because, when you can no longer meet the challenge or take the pressure, where’s there to go but to begin to turn within.

The world’s actually helping us to turn within. All that pressure we’re feeling from out here is pushing us to go inside – to go inside of ourselves so that we can begin to find the way out of all that suppression or pressure, to begin to find our way through our own resistance. But first, we go into contraction and reaction, because that’s just the natural response. The human response is to go into reaction and contraction, and that’s alright.  

Here’s the thing: we’re not trying to teach a pathway of neutrality by not reacting. We’re here to teach about a pathway of neutrality by embracing and accepting those opportunities, or challenges, that are there supporting each of us to turn within and begin to take hold now that Spirit, that Divine within us, because that is the only thing that can truly lift us to rise to the occasion. 

The Great Uplifter; that action of the Holy Spirit that lifts, is what we have to get a hold of, and then we can rise above the challenge. That lifting action is there for everybody, but it’s just coming into a greater understanding of how to rise to that, to take hold of it, so it can lift you so that it lifts you above the challenge, the stresses, and the pressures of the world. 

But first realize, when you hit that wall of resistance and your own reaction because of the world pushing on you, that’s part of the process. Don’t avoid it or ignore it, because that’s what a lot of us do trying to be neutral. 

You don’t just be neutral. There’s a process by which you move through into neutrality. The only neutral place is that Loving inside, at the seat of the soul. It’s the only place that’s really neutral in this creation. Nothing else in this creation is neutral other than right here (at the seat of the soul), because we have to go into the light of our own soul where neutrality exists. So it’s a journey into That. 

If you understand the process, hopefully, you can begin to participate with it, maybe more willingly. And maybe, in your willingness, it will make it a little easier rather than resisting and always reacting to the process – to understand how the process works in that resistance and reaction as a natural part of it, but then rather than fighting it, to start to now accept and embrace the reaction and the resistance. As soon as we all can do that, it just opens up. And guess what happens? All that pressure that we feel pushing against us, well, we’re afraid and we’re pushing back because we don’t want it to get us. 

The funny thing is, as soon as we embrace it, and open up to it, all of a sudden, it can come into us. When we allow that to take place, what happens when it comes into you? Well, when it comes into the Divine that you are, it all dissolves.  I mean, my God, don’t you hear us all the time, in here, talk about how this physical creation is just an illusion? 

God created the heavens and the earth, and the earth was void and without form. There’s nothing here. But when we, that movement of God’s Loving and Creativity, came into this creation and we created, we gave it form. We placed something here. We placed our loving here, and in that loving, we gave animation, or what appears as life. We created that. 

But, once we begin to turn now and go back inside to begin that journey Home to God, from which we’ve come, then all that we’ve created here, well, guess what? That pressure that we feel that pushes against us in the world, is our creations. Until we accept those creations, we’re ever going to be in a state of resistance, and that’s what keeps the soul trapped – our own resistance, by our choice.

But, once we can embrace that, well then all those creations as we allow them back to their creator, us, and embrace them and take them within, well then guess what happens? 

That which is an illusion, that came out of the nothingness, just simply the light of our own soul projected, well as that now comes back in that movement of Loving, then that which we created, this illusion out here, begins to dissolve and go back into the nothingness from which it came. And when that happens, well guess what? We’re free. We’re no longer in a place of resistance and in reaction to that pressure of our own creations. We’re free. And that’s where, and what, neutrality is.

Neutrality is that state of freedom and nonresistance, because that which we’ve created that was causing the pressure we now have taken responsibility for, and accepted and reclaimed it, and in that reclaiming, we set ourselves free. And there we reside in that place of Loving neutrality because we simply made the decision to accept and to love and to forgive our creations, rather than continue promoting them through our resistance and fear.

That’s all we’re doing. That’s it – resisting and fearing. So once we can begin to let go of that, well, then it all moves. And when it moves, it all dissolves. And when it all dissolves, there’s nothing to resist, there’s nothing more to fear. And when we come to that place, that’s also the place where we’re going to really be awake and know the Truth of the Divine and all the Loving that That is.


Jim Gordon

You’re not trapped here. You’re really free here. You’re free to make choices. You’re free to hold back. You’re free to give. You’re free to participate. You’re free to hide. You’re free! But in that freedom, we’ve made choices sometimes that really do not work for us in the way that we wanted them to. 

It’s important to look and see what choices you are making in your life. Why are you choosing this, rather than that? And begin to pay attention to which choice really gives you the opportunity to walk further on this pathway of liberating the soul, of awakening into the Divine, of taking responsibility for your thoughts, your feelings, your actions, and your reactions. Because sometimes, we’ll take the easy way out, not paying attention to the choices that we’re making, only to find later on that was not the easy way out. It was really just engrossing us, getting us caught back up into the depths of this world even more.  

The easiest path is to Love, to be in that movement of Loving, and to Love everything that you meet on your pathway. Do not resist it, do not fight it, do not judge it, do not run away from it, but approach everything in Loving. And in that way, you’re inviting God into that moment because God is the Loving; your soul is the Loving that you are inviting into that experience. Love it all. And the key to it is to first find that Loving within yourself. 

It’s easy to say, “I’m bringing the Loving forward into all that I do,” but if you’re not knowing of that Loving, if you’re not opening to that Loving, if you’re not allowing that Loving to move with you, then it may just be a lot of words. And that’s okay because sometimes it just takes doing that over and over and over to finally create for you that which you’re really wanting to bring forward, which is the Loving. 

But if you do your daily meditation: going inside, focusing on the Sacred Name, holding your attention at the seat of the soul, and just focusing that expression of Loving, that truth of Loving that you are, with God and opening to receive God’s Loving, then you truly have the Loving to bring forward into everything you experience in life. 

Love it all, and in that Loving you then can transform. You can transform yourself, you can transform your life, you can transform the situations in your life, because Loving produces greater Loving. 

When you send forth Loving before you, all that stands before you will be touched and transformed in some way, and so that which was fighting you will now come into greater agreement with you. It will no longer push at you, it will cooperate with you and move more freely, or allow you to move freely beyond it. It’s just your choice. 

Remember that the Loving is the key tool by which we can live our life spiritually focused. I always say, “God first and God only,” and in that is a statement of Loving God first and God only, because that’s what we do in our meditation. 

The first thing and the only thing that we’re to do in our meditation is to Love God and to allow God to Love us. And in that Loving exchange, in that Loving movement, we move into that greater quality and Truth of who we are as Divine, who we are as Soul, letting go of all those elements of the world that we have gotten ourselves caught up in, whether it be through the imagination, the emotion, the mind or the body. 

We let go of all that, for a moment, and just live and dwell in the Truth of who we are as a Child of God, as that Spark of the Divine, and then we begin to learn how to bring that into our daily lives; to bring that awareness of “who I really am and how I really am” into everything that we do.


Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~

  1. Do two and a half hours of meditation daily, and then listen to the talks by Brian Yeakey and Jim Gordon titled: SOUL AWAKENING — SELF LOVE
  2. Listen to the meditation by Jim Gordon titled: SOUL AWAKENING — SELF LOVE
  3. Contemplate these statements and then do the journaling exercises:

The easiest path is to Love, to be in that movement of Loving, and to Love everything that you meet on your pathway. Do not resist it, do not fight it, do not judge it, do not run away from it, but approach everything in Loving. And in that way, you’re inviting God into that moment because God is the Loving; your soul is the Loving that you are inviting into that experience. Love it all. And the key to it is to first find that Loving within yourself. 

Accept and embrace the reaction and the resistance.

Neutrality is that state of freedom and nonresistance, because that which we’ve created that was causing the pressure we now have taken responsibility for, and accepted and reclaimed it, and in that reclaiming, we set ourselves free. And there we reside in that place of Loving neutrality because we simply made the decision to accept and to love and to forgive our creations, rather than continue promoting them through our resistance and fear.

  4. Journaling Exercise:

    • Make a list or write about all the things you are resisting, fighting, judging, or running from in your life.
    • What does it mean to you to “rise to the opportunity of the Spirit within” with what you’re resisting, fighting, judging, or running from in your life?
    • From the excerpts above, give examples of what approaches you can take to rise to the opportunity of the Spirit within you, with your reactions, resistance, and fears.

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