How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

“My love, you are closer to me than myself.
You shine through my eyes.
Your light is brighter than the moon.”
~ Rumi
Monthly Focus ~
“If you want to have a change in your life for the greater freedom and joy, simply approach yourself and the world through the eyes of Spirit.” ~ Brian Yeakey
“Remember the Truth that you are free, that you are liberated, that you are in the Heart of God, that you are a Divine spark of the Living Loving Essence, and to begin to live more into that every day. ” ~ Jim Gordon
Full Excerpt ~ Brian Yeakey (on audio recording, Brian’s talk finishes at the beginning of Jim’s talk)
If you want to change, I don’t want to say the world, if you want to have a change in your life for the greater freedom and joy, simply approach yourself and the world through the eyes of Spirit.
Allow yourself to move into the natural order of Spirit, not the nature of the world. Nature, natural, the animal instincts, that’s still the physical consciousness. In this journey, it’s one of lifting above those weights I spoke of earlier – lifting above to discover the nature of Spirit because the nature of Spirit is different than the nature of the world.
As we’re awakening and moving our way through the weights of the world, it does take action, it does take effort, it does take Loving. There is a doing involved. That’s also what we’re doing in meditation, is we are chanting those Sacred Names within our consciousness that is an action of Loving.
You often hear us talk of the Power of the Name. As we chant these Names within, it builds the Power of the Name. Well, what is that Power in that Name? That is the Spirit of Loving Beingness, that is a Power that does bring us through all these different weights that have encased the soul’s consciousness here in the world. It begins to, in its building of Loving, dissolve. It begins to create the space, that I was speaking of earlier, where we allow things rather than struggle or fight against – that Loving allows. It’s funny to talk about it as a great Power, neutrality, observation, allowing. Well, it seems like there’s nothing there, it’s like air. How could you call that All-Powerful? That’s why it’s such a trick in this world.
I told you I was going to tell you the secrets of soul transcendence today. The secret is, it’s a trick – the trick that the world wants to play on all those Divine sparks here, and what God allows. Because in truth, there is no entrapment, there is no bondage because it is an illusion. That’s the trick!
So if you want the treat, that Power of that Name brings us to that state of freedom that allows even all the illusion to just do what it does. In that allowing, there’s no attachment, so the soul slips free, slips through. It is no longer under the authority of the weight of the world, the karmas.
Full Excerpt ~ Jim Gordon (on audio recording, Jim’s talk begins after the end of Brian’s talk)
It’s interesting because in my meditation, the one thing that I heard was a question, and the question was, “So, does the soul need to be liberated? Are you here to liberate souls? Is this Pathway about soul liberation? Or is it?” And I had to begin to look at that. I didn’t know the answer. According to how sometimes we’ve shared and how this Pathway has been shared through history, it’s a Path of Liberation to free the soul from being trapped.
But in truth, the soul is not trapped. The soul dwells in the Realm of Soul and Spirit. The soul lives and dwells and knows itself in the Heart of God. It isn’t in the mind, it isn’t in this world, and it isn’t trapped here. The only reason that there’s a sense or a feeling of being trapped at all is that it has allowed itself to believe a great dream, to fall into the illusion and believe the illusion rather than the Truth that it truly knows.
All we’re here to do is to have the fulfillment of the journey of the illusion that exists here and to learn what it has to share with us, to grow in understanding and experience. Then in that growth and in that experience, we wake up. We wake up into the greater knowing of who we are as soul, as Loving, as Divine. And we are free to leave the illusion and go back to the Truth of our own Beingness, our own Soul that dwells in Spirit.
So, in truth, you’re not trapped here, you’re not imprisoned here. You, yourself, have allowed yourself to look away from that place that is Home, that place that is True, so that you could have experience here.
So, one thing that I know is: don’t judge your experience. Don’t judge the opportunity of learning and growing in this creation, in this illusion. Because it truly is the opportunity of a lifetime. It is the opportunity of this lifetime for you to learn, to grow, to wake up, to have experience, and to keep moving forward.
In truth, I know that every soul dwells within the Heart of God and it knows itself to be in the Heart of God right now. But that part of you that is the Divine spark that has come into this creation to have experience has forgotten. And all that Brian and I are here to do is to help you to allow that part of you that has forgotten, by getting caught up in the illusion, to begin once again to remember, remember the Truth.
Remember the Truth that you are free, that you are liberated, that you are in the Heart of God, that you are a Divine spark of the Living Loving Essence, and to begin to live more into that every day.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Meditate 2.5 hours daily, and listen to the talk by Brian Yeakey & Jim Gordon titled PATIENCE AND GENTLENESS 07/12/2009
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled PATIENCE AND GENTLENESS 07/12/2009
- Journal the following:
- What experience(s) in your life are you judging? List them.
- Then, look to see what opportunities for learning and growth they are providing you. For example, compassion, understanding, patience, gentleness, acceptance, forgiveness, etc.
- Journal what you are learning or could start to learn from your experiences, seeing them as “the opportunity(ies) of this lifetime for you to learn, to grow, to wake up, to have experience, and to keep moving forward.”
- Now contemplate the following statement by Brian, “If you want to have a change in your life for the greater freedom and joy, simply approach yourself and the world through the eyes of Spirit”.
- Write your awarenesses on how you can “simply approach yourself and the world through the eyes of Spirit.” What would that look like, sound like, feel like? Describe it.
Setting Your Intention for Daily Meditation
Use the quote below as a guide in how you can approach your daily meditation, and write your own statement of intention daily for your meditation:
- Remember the Truth: that you are free, that you are liberated, that you are in the Heart of God, that you are a Divine spark of the Living Loving Essence.