How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.
Monthly Focus ~
If you can just let go of everything and just stand there in the Truth of who you really really are, it will be an amazing moment.
Realize that your true fulfillment, your real completion is going to be in the “letting go”, because in that is where you’re really going to now be able to not only let God, as they say “let go and let God,” but to really now be restored in God, to move back into that truth, rather than this illusion that we’re doing here physically, but to move into the Truth, that is spiritual, that is only accessible by that Soul of who we are.
Full Excerpt ~
Brian Yeakey
Realize that your true fulfillment, your real completion is going to be in the “letting go”, because in that is where you’re really going to now be able to not only let God, as they say “let go and let God,” but to really now be restored in God, to move back into that truth, rather than this illusion that we’re doing here physically, but to move into the Truth, that is spiritual, that is only accessible by that Soul of who we are.
We’ve all heard the saying, “You can’t take it with you”, right? Whether it’s attachments in the physical or the body itself, you can’t take it with you. But you can take with you the wisdom of your experience, the gratitude, the fulfillment of what you have experienced – that we do take with us. That’s the real purpose in all of this – is to learn from our experience no matter what that is: the good and the bad, the positive and the negative. That’s where our fulfillment is. Not in what we’ve created, but what we’ve learned from our creations.
It does take a different focus in how we choose to live, for really, with Spirit we have to choose to live internally, and let go of that external attachment. We give ourselves the freedom by making those choices, but then what do we do with that? Do we choose to really go and create more in the world? Well, if you’re listening here, you know you’ve got another choice to now, rather, go back and create within. In other words, create now that place in the inner kingdom where your True Home is. Go start painting the walls, and hanging the artwork in the inner. Go in there and be creative. We even have a guided meditation Jim did called “A Sacred Place” meditation where you go into your inner sanctuary. Well, you might be surprised the day you actually spiritually go to these places because they do exist with our own consciousness.
This inner kingdom, these spiritual realms, we talk about are very real. They’re more real than the physical. So, in here, we talk about them to give you an idea, to know what to look for, hopefully to inspire that longing inside of the Soul that truly wants to not only have the experience of these spiritual regions, but ultimately to return back into that union with God directly. But I’ll tell you what, that inner journey on the way Home to that union with God is quite an amazing journey. You think things in this world can be something else, wait until you experience more in these inner worlds. Some of the sights and the sounds, all we do in this world is try to recreate that and it never matches up to the true beauty and grace we experience on these inner levels.
Start making your life more about that inner journey of awakening and that return Home to God. You’ve got to make that the truth for yourself.
Jim Gordon
I remember when I was a teenager I got distracted by different things. And that’s what happens! Hormones kick in and everything else is out the door. For a while I wasn’t so devoted to my meditation practice as I had been. The world kind of closed in on me. When I finally realized, “Oh my God, what am I doing? I’m joining everybody else! I’m hearing myself talk about the misery that they’re talking about. What am I doing?” I learned that very quickly, it was six, seven months of misery, and then it was time to sit down and meditate once again. But my meditation was different. Oh my God, in just those few months, I had created all this separation within myself; with myself, with my truth, and with my soul. And I had to walk through all that stuff; my fears, my angers, my anxiety, my hatred, my this, and my that, that I had created, in that short time really, participating with the world.
I thought, “Oh my God, I can see why people don’t want to sit down and meditate. I just had six months of stuff to deal with! Oh my God! No wonder nobody wants to sit down and close their eyes. And they say, ‘are you kidding me, forget it! I’m out of here’.” But if you do it, and you do it with the Loving and accepting and forgiving of yourself – love yourself, accept yourself just as you are right now – you don’t have to change. God doesn’t expect you to change. Love yourself just as you are and do forgiveness with yourself. Forgive yourself if you made errors, if you didn’t learn the lesson and you’ve got to complete it and learn it, or whatever it is. By Loving, accepting, and forgiving yourself a lot will just drop away quickly. And I’ll tell you what! Invite God in, and there’s nothing that can stand between you and God. It will melt, it will drop, it will go away.
But, then there’s another side of it. Are you going to let go of it? I found myself saying, “Wait, I’m trying to pick up something and hold on to it. I don’t know if I want to let go of that yet. Maybe I need that in the world.” But, if you can just let go of everything and just stand there in the truth of who you really really are, it will be an amazing moment. There will be nothing else that you will ever put between you and God again, if you can help it, and you will always be paying attention saying, “Is there something between me and God right now? I don’t want that.”
You’ll be surprised how quickly it can go if you will just allow it to. You let that light in and let that light shine, and everything else that is of darkness will just be pushed away, it will be eliminated, it will be no more.
So, let me close with just saying again, find a phrase that really serves you. To Thine Own Self Be True really served me. It stirred me. It brought me into an awakening. Find a phrase for you that might serve you. Maybe it’s, Be still and know that I am, know that I am God, or it could be another phrase.
Spend time every day with yourself whether it’s in meditation, whether it’s in journaling about what’s going on with you and in your life, or whatever. Get to know who You are. Really get to know who You are. You’re really a wonderful person, but you are a grand Soul. The light of your Soul, the love of your Soul, the peace in your Soul is beyond words, beyond belief, and beyond anything you can imagine. Go in and find that, and then you will be a different person. Your life will be transformed. It won’t look any different out here, but your life will be transformed.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of meditation daily, and then listen to the talk titled: MEDITATE TO KNOW THY TRUE SELF | 04/15/2018 by Brian Yeakey & Jim Gordon
- Listen to the meditation titled: MEDITATE TO KNOW THY TRUE SELF | 04/15/2018 by Brian Yeakey
- Journaling Exercises:
- Find a spiritual phrase that stirs something in you, and journal what it stirs inside of you, or what it means to you.
- Journal about what’s going on with you and in your life, or whatever. Get to know who you are. Really get to know who you are.