How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

Monthly Focus ~
“Take time every day to get in touch with your own truth, with your own loving, with who you are as soul.”
Full Excerpt ~
Take time every day to get in touch with your own truth, with your own loving, with who you are as soul.
So many years ago when I was nine or ten years old a Teacher came to me and he asked me a question. Fortunately, I had the answer, because years earlier a Teacher had asked me the same question and I answered it wrong. He asked me again and I answered it wrong, and I answered it again and he said that’s wrong too. Until finally I said, “Well then, what’s the answer?” and he said, “That’s for you to find out. I’ll keep asking until you tell me the truth.” I said, “Well, stop asking me then, and let me find out the truth.” And he said, “That’s the beginning. That’s the beginning of your learning of the answer.” And the question was, “Who are you?”
“Who are you?” “Well, I’m Jim Gordon”. “Well, who are you?” “Well, I’m Jim Gordon”. “But, who are you?” “Well, I’m Jim Gordon and I was born in San Antonio”. I mean, that’s what I did. I was just taking it literally, thinking of myself as a physical body in a physical form in a physical universe and describing all these things of ‘who I am’. “Well, I’m a student at Delview Elementary School”. “No, who are you?”
Finally, when I told him to stop asking me the question I realized I really had to do a search of finding the answer of “Who am I?” That began me on a quest of discovering more about who I am as Soul, of who I am as Spirit, of who I am as a Divine Living Loving Expression of God in His Creation.
So, at the age of nine or ten when this Teacher came forward, a different Teacher, and said, “So, who are you?”, I had an answer. I said, “I’m a Child of God.” And he said, “Come Child of God! Come! We’re going to go on a greater journey now. We’re going to see where have you come from and where are you going?” That’s the Book of Life.
The Book of Life first reveals to you who you are; a Soul, a Child of God. The pages beyond that first page, that reveals to you who you are, tells you where you came from. You came from the Living Loving Essence of the Lord as a full manifestation of That. And where you’re going? You’re going into the fulfillment of that Divine Living Loving Essence of the Lord that you are, and joining back into Union once again in That Divine that you are. That’s who you are. That’s who you are.
If you can remember that just once every day, and bring it more and more present every day, all that energy of disturbance and complaining and darkness and challenge will begin to melt away because God’s Light disperses the darkness. God’s Light and God’s Loving dispels everything that is not Loving, and transforms it back into Loving.
So, the more you begin to hold your focus on God that you are, Soul, and on Loving, the more that Loving begins to transform your existence. The way that you begin to do that is a simple way. You have to put Loving into action. Loving exists only in action. Loving is ever moving, ever expressing, ever doing. So you, as that Divine Living Loving Essence of the Lord, have to begin to manifest it consciously, lovingly expressing it.
Love the Lord. Love God with all your mind, body, and soul. Love the Lord in every moment, in every breath, in every day of your life. Love the Lord. And in those moments, also be open to receive God’s Loving, so that you begin to live in that Divine flow of Love – that you’re now living in the movement of Loving that is ever in expression that you have just separated yourself from. And you begin doing that by Loving this moment and Loving God in this moment and Loving God in the next moment and Loving God in the next moment and letting the Loving that is expressed in you to God begin to transform everything. The way that transformation takes place is because God’s Loving now can join with you in that journey. It’s God’s Loving you that transforms everything in you and around you.
And, yes, you may break a toe, you may lose a tooth, you may need to wear glasses, you may even get cancer, but you’ll love it just as you’ve loved everything else once you’re now living that journey. You’ll love it. And there will be a little shaking here and there and there will be a little disturbance here and there.
It would be great if we could really step into the presence of God in us and living it fully and never separate ourselves from it again. But as long as you’ve got a physical body, and it’s part of this creation with the imagination, the emotions, and the mind running, there will be moments when you’ll say, “God, why are you doing this to me? Oh, I’m sorry, I love you, Lord.” It just is the way it works here. But let it that be okay.
Love it all. Love who you are, and love how you are every moment, and the Loving will transform it all.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do 2.5 hours of daily meditation, and listen to the talk by Jim Gordon titled: Loving Who You Are
- Listen to the guided meditation (at the end of Jim’s talk) by Brian Yeakey titled: Loving Who You Are
- Journal the following questions:
- What does, “Love it all. Love who you are, and love how you are every moment, and the Loving will transform it all,” mean to you?
- How can you put Loving into action in Loving who you are and how you are? What does that look like and feel like? Describe it.
- What area/s in your daily life, i.e., in your relationships, can you put Loving into action? What does that look like and feel like? Describe it.
- What does “hold your focus on God that you are, Soul, and on Loving,” mean to you? What does that look like and feel like?
Contemplate the following statements by Jim:
- The Book of Life first reveals to you who you are; a Soul, a Child of God. The pages beyond that first page, that reveals to you who you are, tells you where you came from. You came from the Living Loving Essence of the Lord as a full manifestation of That. And where you’re going? You’re going into the fulfillment of that Divine Living Loving Essence of the Lord that you are, and joining back into Union once again in That Divine that you are. That’s who you are. That’s who you are.
- Love the Lord. Love God with all your mind, body, and soul. Love the Lord in every moment, in every breath, in every day of your life. Love the Lord. And in those moments, also be open to receive God’s Loving…