How to Understand God (HUG)

The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.



Monthly Focus ~ 

Change your reference point and start doing

As long as you look outside of yourself, as long as you look to this world for answers, you’re going to live in that small part of you, and you’re never going to find that fulfillment, that peace, and that joy of being linked and lined up with the God within you as long as you come from that reference point. 

…go into a point of acceptance within yourself, go into a Loving state of consciousness, and Love whatever comes forward, and place the Light of Love there because that’s what God is. God is Love, and that’s all God is. So, if you can enter into that point of Loving within yourself, you’ve entered into God.


Full Excerpt  ~

I heard a voice say, “Yes, that’s it. Acceptance and unconditional Loving are the keys to peace, joy, and happiness. If you can live by doing through Acceptance and by Loving, then you have the keys to peace, joy, and happiness.” So, since that time when I was seventeen, I’ve tried to live that as best I could, and I’ve tried to live in that state of Acceptance, of unconditional Loving, and of constant doing in God’s Light as much as I could.

That’s something that I like to share with other people – that if you want that peace and that joy and that loving in your life, don’t go out in the world and fight with people. Don’t go out and try to change them. Don’t look in the mirror and get upset with yourself and say, “Gosh, you’ve got to change. You’ve got to change your act. It’s just no good”. Start loving that person in the mirror. Start loving that person deep down inside of you. Start loving the person and those that you see around you and start learning to accept your life as it is because that’s when you get the keys to go inside and change it, and you have to do it yourself. It’s an action. It’s a doing. You have to go inside of yourself to do it. 

No one outside of yourself can change you. No one outside of yourself can change your mind. You’re the one that ultimately changes, but it’s a gradual, ongoing process, and it’s done through love, and it’s a very peaceful process as you begin to expand your consciousness into higher levels. 

We live in a very small part of ourselves, in our conscious minds, but there’s a lot more to us than that little conscious mind that we dwell in every day, which makes up maybe five to ten percent of who we really are. As long as you look outside of yourself, as long as you look to this world for answers, you’re going to live in that small part of you, and you’re never going to find that fulfillment, that peace, and that joy of being linked and lined up with the God within you as long as you come from that reference point. 

But if you can begin to close your eyes and go within and begin to touch all the other realms and dimensions of yourself, that’s when you’re going to begin to see who you really are. You’re much more than this physical body, and you’re much more than this conscious mind. It’s up to you to go out and go in and find it all. 

There are levels upon levels, both underneath, inside, and outside, and there are areas of investigation that we all need to touch so that we can expand our knowing of ourselves. This is all through the action of doing. 

You don’t stop and say, “Well, tomorrow, well, maybe tonight, well, when I lose this weight, when I get the better job, when I get my promotion, when I have so much money in the bank, when the children grow up…” If you wait, you’re going to wait forever. You have been waiting forever, or you wouldn’t be here today. Stop waiting and start doing. It’s a very simple act. Waiting is stagnant, it’s stale, it’s motionless. You sit, and you do nothing but wait. Acting, moving, doing is getting up off that position of waiting and do something about it. And the best thing you can do is to go within because it’s at a point within yourself that you can get in touch with all the levels of yourself. 

You could go to a university class, and you can learn about all the different mental aspects of who you are, your obsessions and possessions, your unconscious and your subconscious, your superconscious and your conscious states of mind. You can go to spiritual organizations and read books and learn all about the little self, and the greater self, and the conscious self, and the soul, and the Christing and how to become God aware. But you’re not experiencing it. You’re listening to somebody else tell you what they’ve either learned from a book or maybe if you’re lucky, what they’ve learned from practical experience. But you’ve got to do it. You’ve got to go out and do it yourself.

Just at that moment, when I was walking through the field to begin my prayer, and that voice said, “Clean up your act, get yourself back in balance again because we’re not going to talk to you until you’re in alignment,” they weren’t going to do it for me. I had to do it myself. And so it is each of us here has to do it ourselves. And it’s a very simple process of going within.

Now, a lot of people find it very frightening to close their eyes and to look in the darkness there because you never know what’s going to come up. You never know what’s going to be staring you back in your face. But if you go within, and you go within in Love, whatever comes forward for you will come forward for your own upliftment and will take you to that Loving point within yourself so that you have that peace and joy, and happiness that you all are longing for.

And sure, there’s a lot of garbage that we’ve buried inside of ourselves, and we’re going to have to deal with it at some level. But I found that if you go within with that consciousness of Acceptance and unconditional Loving, that whatever garbage comes up passes by very quickly because Love allows it to pass by, and Acceptance helps you to see it clearly so that you don’t hold onto it and judge it and have a problem with it.

So, if you close your eyes and you go within, and you begin to feel strange emotions or crazy thoughts or physical sensations that scare you, go into a point of acceptance within yourself, go into a Loving state of consciousness, and Love whatever comes forward, and place the Light of Love there because that’s what God is. God is Love, and that’s all God is. So, if you can enter into that point of Loving within yourself, you’ve entered into God.


Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~

    1. Do 2.5 hours of daily meditation, and listen to the talk by Jim Gordon titled:  Lord Make Me Worthy & The Master In Your Heart
    2. Listen to the guided meditation by Jim Gordon titled: Lord Make Me Worthy & The Master In Your Heart
    3. Journaling exercises…

Go Inside Yourself and Start Doing. Pick one of the following to start doing daily, or do them all, rotating them throughout the weeks and the month, or create your own. Journal your experiences and awareness of what you’re learning through doing these actions:

      • Start loving that person in the mirror. 
      • Start loving that person deep down inside of you. 
      • Start loving the person and those that you see around you
      • Start learning to accept your life as it is 
      • Start…

Contemplate the following statement by Jim: 

If you can enter into that point of Loving within yourself, you’ve entered into God.

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