How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.
Monthly Focus ~ You are that God Essence. You are That.
There’s really no work other than to keep refocusing our attention back in the Loving. Even that wonderful acronym we have, that L-A-F, “LAF!” Love, Accept, and Forgive is just another tool to help us refocus our attention back in the Loving. That’s all it is.
There’s no magic in these words or acronyms or any of it. The magic is you. It really is you, but you’ve got to focus into the truth of who you are to really wake up and know that through your experience.
Full Excerpt ~ Brian Yeakey
It is that action of meditation that is simply the way we can participate with God that is within ourselves. It’s really in everything. The funny thing is in order to go into God, into the God that is in everything, there’s a certain way by which to do that and that’s what this action of meditation is.
It is that way by which we can go into and wake up to the God that we are and that’s within us. As we do, we begin to awaken and see “the God of Beingness” that is in all things. There’s no separation. God is just present in Oneness. Even though it looks like there’s a lot of separation and details and individuality in its expression here. That’s all it is.
That’s why there’s a lot of wonderful workshops or exercises and processes we can do to begin to look in one another’s eyes to see that God essence within each other. But how can we see the God essence within each other or other things until we really begin to look at that essence within ourselves? Because what do a lot of us do? We often think we’re not worthy or too busy judging ourselves and all the bad things we’ve done. We’re not good enough. Well, that’s real uplifting. That’s a lot of what we do.
When we begin to shut our eyes and go inside, we’re looking for upliftment and joy and freedom and peace and loving with God. But what do we do? A lot of us don’t want to meditate or have a hard time doing more in a few minutes because as soon as we do, we start running into and bumping into all those things that have built up over time of all the fears and the judgments and the unworthiness.
And because it gets uncomfortable we say, “No, not for me.” Or we say, “I know it’s for me, but I just can’t seem to meditate.” Is it that you can’t meditate or is it that these things that are showing up inside are just uncomfortable to look at?
Well, I know what the answer is. It’s God! But, in that answer to God is for us to look at all those things that are uncomfortable.
Here’s the easy thing. You are God and you that are God, that everything you look at, guess what comes from you? The Light of God. So everything you look at, that Light of God goes into. So guess what happens? If you are willing to look at all those dark areas within you that are so evil and bad, well, what is that phrase? “Where there’s light there’s no darkness”. Well, guess how the Light gets there. You look. As you look, you bring the Light into it. You don’t even have to ask for it. It’s a funny thing.
That’s why you don’t hear us talk about prayer very much in here. Prayer’s a way of trying to get God into these areas. You are that God Essence. Why do you need to ask for it? You are That.
Just look. Look into those dark areas inside and that Light of who you are, which is that Loving that God is, automatically begins to go into those areas, into the judgments, the fear, the unworthiness, the whatever – just by looking.
Yes, you’ll feel uncomfortable for a moment because you’re going to be confronting that fear that is keeping you in separation. But, then remember fear is just darkness. What is darkness, but unknown. People say, “I want to get rid of my karma. I want to get it cleared, get liberated.”
Well, what’s karma? It’s unknown, dark, and fearful. You mean all I’ve got to do then is look at my karma and then I’ll get free? Yes, but you’ve got to keep looking until it is free. You don’t just look and turn away. That’s playing chicken – that’s right! Who’s more scared?
And that’s fine, you’ll look a little at a time, look a little more and a little more because eventually, you’ll realize the fear really has no power over you. It’s just that you believed it did and you’ve given it power through your belief. Well, eventually you’ll realize that, and you’ll get comfortable then looking at your fear, looking at your unworthiness or whatever words that you would use to describe whatever that is going on inside of you. That’s all you have to do.
Sure, you can go ahead and say, “I love you. I forgive you. I love myself. I forgive myself. I accept myself just the way I am.” Use all of that. But if the power is not in the words, it is not in those words, you are the power that you give those words. The words just are there to assist you in moving that Divine Living Loving Essence that you are into all of the experience. That’s all they are.
There’s no magic in any prayer, the LAF acronym or anything. All they are is projections or tools that the Light of Love that we are can use to shine our Divine Essence into all experience. That’s what’s really going on.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do 2.5 hours of daily meditation, and listen to the talk by Brian Yeakey titled: LIVING YOUR TRUTH 03/10/2013
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled: LIVING YOUR TRUTH 03/10/2013
- Journal daily:
- “Look into those dark areas inside,” and write down all the things that make you feel uncomfortable, fearful and unworthy inside.
- “The magic is you…but you’ve got to focus into the truth of who you are to really wake up and know that through your experience.”
- Close your eyes, focus at the seat of the soul, and move into “that Divine Living Loving Essence that you are,” and bring that Light of Loving into those dark areas inside you.