How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

Monthly Focus ~
Rather than looking at life that we are the victim or the result or the effect of some other cause, what if we lift ourselves to the soul and live life, rather than a cause or an effect, but to live life as the blessing. And living life as that blessing, we see then that we are the blessing that is the cause and the effect both.
Full Excerpt ~ Brian Yeakey
That greater journey of the continuous movement of the soul’s life, that is the real life I’m speaking of and the blessing that that actually is. That’s the funny thing, we ask for blessings and when we’re going through hell we don’t feel like we’re blessed.
What if the going through hell was the blessing because that’s what we had to walk through to get to heaven? Have we ever even thought of looking at it that way? Or did we just judge it as hell? Then when we get through it, we thank God that we’re through it, but when we’re in it, we curse it. We damn it to hell because that’s where we’re at.
What would happen if we started praying and blessing hell and blessing ourselves and everyone else while we’re going through it, where normally we would curse it and condemn it? What would happen if we started blessing all of that? Interesting…something you want to think about, or is it something you’d rather try out and actually do and see what the results are?
Well, that I highly encourage, is experimentation. Because in this journey of life, have you noticed it’s about experience? Well, the same thing is spiritually. We have to have spiritual experience to really have the greater understanding of that side of life. It’s no different in that regard. True spirituality is not about a theology, or a philosophy or religion, a belief system, any of that.
True spirituality is an experiential process of living life, but living it from a different perspective, a higher perspective, really from the soul’s perspective, the Truth of who we are, to look at it through the eyes of Spirit, which is Loving.
Just like I was saying, what if we’re walking through blessings right now, but we don’t even realize it because of where our focus is? Maybe it’s not coming out of Spirit. Maybe it’s because we’re looking through our emotions or our mind and our belief systems of the way things are supposed to be, and because they’re not that way, it’s not blessed, something’s wrong, and it’s cursed.
But if we simply lift our attention and our perspective to the soul, that we come to the place of Loving and view our life from the place of Loving, that is what I’m encouraging. That we do that, and then let’s see how we perceive our life. When I’ve done that and live in that Loving, I have not only seen the blessing right there even in the midst of darkness, but it’s at those times when I finally moved my perception to that place, that is where, now, because I have moved myself there, not only to see the blessings of Loving and God’s Grace unfold in me and through me and unfold me, but it’s simply because I’ve moved my awareness and attention here, (at the seat of the soul) that itself I have seen be the cause of transformation to make shift happen.
Just that movement of where I hold my attention itself is what I have found to make the greatest difference, to not only recognize God’s blessings but to truly now live God’s blessings. So rather than looking at life that we are the victim or the result or the effect of some other cause, what if we lift ourselves to the soul and live life, rather than a cause or an effect, but to live life as the blessing. And living life as that blessing, we see then that we are the blessing that is the cause and the effect both.
Why be the cause or the effect? Why not be the blessing that is all of it? Because maybe that is the truth, is that we really are all of it, but we simply have not allowed ourselves to live that truth of who we are as the blessing.
So maybe in all of our prayers and asking for God’s blessings, it’s not even about blessings as we would see things or circumstances outside of us and what we experience – that maybe in that journey of going through all that, is what it takes for us to finally wake up and realize who or what the blessing really is.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do 2.5 hours of daily meditation, and listen to the talk by Brian Yeakey titled: LIVING THE BLESSINGS OF LOVING, 09/20/2020
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled: LIVING THE BLESSINGS OF LOVING, 09/20/2020
- Journal: Answer the following questions (daily):
- What would happen if we started praying and blessing hell and blessing ourselves and everyone else while we’re going through it, where normally we would curse it and condemn it? What would happen if we started blessing all of that?
- What’s happening right now in your life that feels like hell? What is the blessing in that hell?
- What are the blessings in your life? Claim them!
Contemplation exercise: Contemplate the following statement by Brian Yeakey.
“What would happen if we started praying and blessing hell and blessing ourselves and everyone else while we’re going through it, where normally we would curse it and condemn it? Is it something you want to think about, or is it something you’d rather try out and actually do and see what the results are?”