How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

Monthly Focus ~
Thy, the Lord that dwells here at the seat of the soul in you, will be done.
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” You are the one to manifest that. It is for you to connect to the Divine in you. It is for you to begin to live the Divine in you daily. That’s why we meditate, so that we begin to bring all those elements of the physical self into alignment and that God can overshadow all these other elements and bring the will of those components all into alignment with God’s will so that God is fulfilled in the physical, on earth as it is in heaven.
In heaven the soul is ever in alignment with the Divine flow of God’s Loving. And that’s what God’s will is. It’s a Divine movement of Loving, ever aware of itself in the Divine flow of God’s Love.
Full Excerpt ~ Jim Gordon
Your goal is to become the living manifestation of God’s will. The living manifestation of God’s will. You’re the one who is to manifest God’s will on earth as it is in heaven. That’s what Jesus meant.
And when Jesus said that to his disciples, “and this is how you pray,” listen to that prayer carefully. “Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name,” the Sacred Name that we’re all initiated with. That’s the beginning of this journey. We look up to our Father. We look up to that which is heaven, where heaven begins, where the door to heaven is.
“Thy kingdom come.” Thy kingdom come and manifest here in the world as it manifests in Spirit.
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” You are the one to manifest that. It is for you to connect to the Divine in you. It is for you to begin to live the Divine in you daily. That’s why we meditate, so that we begin to bring all those elements of the physical self into alignment and that God can overshadow all these other elements and bring the will of those components all into alignment with God’s will so that God is fulfilled in the physical, on earth as it is in heaven.
In heaven the soul is ever in alignment with the Divine flow of God’s Loving. And that’s what God’s will is. It’s a Divine movement of Loving, ever aware of itself in the Divine flow of God’s Love. And that’s who you are as soul, as that Living Loving Essence of Soul, as that Living Loving Essence of Loving, as that Living Loving Essence of God, that you are.
That soul of you is ever aware of being in the presence of the Divine and being aware of that movement of Loving that it is a part of. But because the Divine spark is also down here in the physical, separated from that fullness of the knowing of God’s Loving, we feel that we live in separation, and we do. The Divine spark is separate from the wholeness that I just described of what is Soul and the knowing of itself in Soul and God. And what we are trying to do is unite those two together once again so that we live “as above, so below”. “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” And that we become the manifestation of God’s will on earth.
And what is God’s will? Loving. Loving, Loving, Loving. Loving, Loving, Loving. That’s God’s will. God’s will is not making a million dollars or a billion dollars. God’s will is not imposing the will of God, that we think is God’s will, on others that they do their life right. That they live differently and have their life work according to God’s will as we see it. God’s will isn’t that we can pray people back into health, and take their illnesses away, and keep their marriages alive.
And I can say that from my own experience. I don’t know what’s right for others. I don’t know what they need to be experiencing. And it’s not for me to say I do and to try to make it work the way I think would be best for them or the way I think God wants it to work for them. So I learned not to say “Thy will be done” like I used to. I just say, “God, I put them in your hands. You, that dwell in them, I put You in your hands.”
Because it is really God, and it’s God that is living in separation. God that is looked away from the truth of Itself. God that is looking into the world for the answer and the solution and not into its true self of Spirit and the spiritual nature of the Soul.
So I learned for myself not to be putting my will, (laughter), God’s will into the world and into somebody’s life, but rather I turn it over to God that dwells in them that it began to understand and search for the understanding of itself inside and began to find that manifestation of God’s Loving that the Soul is.
But play around with that little statement, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” And think about that. Dwell about that. Let that be something that you contemplate every day for a while until you really understand it. It’s an amazing experience to take these little statements that spiritual teachers have said and their teachings and really look at them and get the essence from them. Really contemplate them daily, over and over. Just say it again: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” knowing that you’re talking about God’s will. And see what you glean from your contemplation. What comes at you as to what that statement really means for you? It may be quite a surprise. And it will also be a doorway by which you begin to maybe live and fulfill God’s will in you, in a way that maybe you’re not allowing just yet.
Is God’s will about your health? Is it about your body? Is it about your money? Is it about your sex? Is it about your relationships? Is it about your job? What is God’s will for you? I don’t know. I’m not going to say. Is it about your soul? Is it about Spirit? Is it about Oneness? Is it about Loving? Is God’s will that you sit down and meditate every day? What’s God’s will? It’s something to find out. And I think you’re going to be very joyfully surprised when you find out what God’s will is for you. I’ll almost bet on it, that each and every one of you are living God’s will right now.
Brian: How come, only almost?
Jim: Because there’s other things that could enter into it. But you’re living God’s will right now. You may not believe that, but I think that if you begin to contemplate this and look at it daily to come to awareness with it, you’re going to realize, “This is God’s will. What I’m doing right now is God’s will. Okay God, I want your will to change.” (Laughter) Then fulfill what is happening right now, and you will move to what is next for you.
God’s will, from my perspective, is that we keep moving forward in our experience, in our awareness, in our growth, in our loving, in our life. That we’re going to keep moving forward, not stagnating.
Stagnation doesn’t take us anywhere, and stagnation blocks us from being in Loving and that movement of Loving, or in the movement of awareness, or in the movement of experience.
So one thing I’ll say is, as I understand it, God’s will is that we stay present in the moment, and we stay in action, moving, going forward, experiencing, learning, learning from our experiences. And in that, we can wake up to greater truths inside of ourselves.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Mediate 2.5 hours daily, and listen to the talk by Jim Gordon titled LET’S MAKE IT ABOUT GOD 09/18/2011
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled LET’S MAKE IT ABOUT GOD 09/18/2011
- Journal the following:
God’s will, from my perspective, is that we keep moving forward in our experience, in our awareness, in our growth, in our loving, in our life. That we’re going to keep moving forward, not stagnating.
- By making God first and God only, describe how you can bring God with you into every area, circumstance, and situation of your life.
- Journal/describe how you are staying present in the moment, in action, moving, going forward, experiencing, learning, and learning from your experiences to live God’s will now.
- If you aren’t doing that, experiment with staying present in the moment, in action, moving, going forward, experiencing, learning, and learning from your experiences, and journal your awareness of your experience doing this.
- But play around with that little statement, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” And think about that. Dwell about that. Let that be something that you contemplate every day for a while until you really understand it. It’s an amazing experience to take these little statements that spiritual teachers have said and their teachings and really look at them and get the essence from them. Really contemplate them daily, over and over. Just say it again: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven,” knowing that you’re talking about God’s will. And see what you glean from your contemplation. What comes at you as to what that statement really means for you? It may be quite a surprise. And it will also be a doorway by which you begin to maybe live and fulfill God’s will in you, in a way that maybe you’re not allowing just yet.
- Journal: “What comes at you as to what that statement really means for you?