How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.
Monthly Focus~ “Become as a little child to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“What does that child have to offer me?” It has fun, playfulness, enthusiasm, and joyfulness. It has loving. It has all these elements of the child to give to you, to share with you, and to inspire in you. As you become like the child, you find that you begin to be able to move more freely on the inner realms of yourself. You know, it says, “Become as a little child to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” Well, here’s the little child. Become one with that little child and you’ll have the first step taken in moving into the inner Kingdoms, into the inner Heavens.
Full Excerpt ~
When you begin to listen to the basic self, you may find the basic self is very selfish at first because all of a sudden it’s finally got your attention and all you’re going to hear is, “Me, me, me, me. Give me, show me, be with me, tell me, read to me.” It’ll be up to you, the conscious self, to then go in and say, “Hey, calm down. I’m here for you. I’m finally hearing your voice, and that’s good, but I have other things to do in the world as well. I can’t just be with you and your world all the time. But, I can be with you some, and I’m going to make an agreement that we’re going to work together now. And I want you to begin to cooperate with me in my life.”
Well, “what does that child have to offer me?” It has fun, playfulness, enthusiasm, and joyfulness. It has loving. It has all these elements of the child to give to you, to share with you, and to inspire in you. As you become like the child, you find that you begin to be able to move more freely on the inner realms of yourself. You know, it says, “Become as a little child to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” Well, here’s the little child. Become one with that little child and you’ll have the first step taken in moving into the inner Kingdoms, into the inner Heavens.
Now, as you begin to move all these other voices away, and you begin to have just these few left: the basic, the conscious and the high self; the “me, myself, and I,” you’ll begin to hear another voice, which is the high self or the “I” sharing. But it doesn’t always share directly into the conscious mind the way the basic self does. It often will share it with the child, and then the child will share with you the information that the high self has to share with you. So, become as a little child to go into the Kingdom of Heaven.
You will find that not often will the high self just speak directly into your consciousness, into your conscious self. It will go through the child, it will go through that aspect of pure loving, to reach into this consciousness of the world here. So the first step is to really begin clearing all these voices away, and learning how to communicate with the child within to be able to be playful, to be able to be joyful, to be able to be enthusiastic in a given moment. Just, go for it! Let that child out! Be joyful, be playful, have fun!
Now, how many of you, when I say that go, “Ooooooo (negative)”? (Laughter) Because you haven’t gotten in touch with that child, you’ve lost touch with getting playful, with having fun in your life, with that joyful quality that gives you an attitude of gratitude that lifts you up into a place where the high self then can really communicate.
Because, it’s through gratitude that the high self can begin to participate – gratitude that you now are one with this loving, joyful part of yourself, gratitude that the greatest voice of the high self can begin to share itself through that aspect into your consciousness, and gratitude that you’ve gotten rid of all this other debris that didn’t really work for you, but you thought it did.
And now that you’ve gotten some freedom, you can begin to move upward into liberation, into spiritual freedom, if you will, liberation. Because if all of your attention is not distracted by all these other voices and all this other stuff that you’re supposed to be fulfilling in the world, you can begin to draw your attention to where you really want to place it.
Yesterday, a question was asked and I answered it very simply, “That our purpose in this world is to know God, and that’s all that we have to do here.”
So draw all that attention to a point of knowing God. Make that your full attention. Make that your full purpose, and let go of all these other voices, all these other distractions, all these other “have to’s”, and just make that your intention. As you do, you do begin to find that you have more freedom in the world and you do find that you begin to walk “the straight and narrow Path of Liberation” inside and outside, in the inner Kingdom and in the outer kingdom.
Now, you can do it without awareness, or you can do it with awareness. But, you’ll begin to do it because the action of you taking responsibility for your own life and you beginning to do for you rather than for your mom and your dad and all these other things is a process of moving towards freedom and moving into liberation.
Meditation then will enhance the process, and meditation can awaken you in that process so that you have more awareness of it.
So, through inner communication, you begin to share with the basic self, you begin to share and hear from the high self, and the conscious self begins to get much more clarity because of that. That who I really am, my conscious self in this embodiment, can begin to get clear about, “What direction I really want to go in my life. Who I really am. What do I really want? Why am I really here?”
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to the talk from: Keys To Inner Communication by Jim Gordon
- Listen to the open-ended guided meditation by Brian Yeakey from: Loving Who You Are
- Journal focus for this month ~ answer the following questions:
- “I’m going to make an agreement that we’re going to work together now. And I want you to begin to cooperate with me in my life.” Make an agreement with the child within that you are going to start working together, communicating together, and asking her/him to cooperate and share and participate with you too! Write your agreement with your inner child.
- What voices do you need to clear away, to start communicating with the child within?
- In communicating with the child within, ask how does the child within want to be playful, joyful, and enthusiastic in a given moment? What does that look like, sound like, feel like? Remember,” just, go for it! Let that child out! Be joyful, be playful, have fun!”
- What are you going to do to take responsibility for your own life, your child within, and do for you, rather than for your mom and dad?
Contemplation exercise: Contemplate the following statement by Jim Gordon:
- Through inner communication, you begin to share with the basic self, you begin to share and hear from the high self, and the conscious self begins to get much more clarity because of that. That who I really am, my conscious self in this embodiment, can begin to get clear about, “What direction I really want to go in my life. Who I really am. What do I really want? Why am I really here?”