How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

January 2022 — WAKING UP IN SPIRIT | CD
Monthly Focus~ “Be born again in the Spirit”
If we want to awaken and be born in the Spirit, it’s up to us to create the opportunity, to create that place where the pregnancy, if you will, can take place, where the birthing can take place. We don’t do that in the world. We don’t do it by outer actions. It’s all done on the inner.
It’s an inner action, because it’s an inner process. The Spirit is inside. It isn’t out here. The Spirit is inner. So we must go inside and prepare a place.
So, prayer, meditation, self-study, service. These are the ways by which you begin to prepare a place.
Full Excerpt ~
What this awakening is, it’s the awakening of the Christ, awakening of that child of God that you are, awakening into the Christ consciousness.
Jesus was a great example of what the Christ looks like. He came in and he lived it fully, physically for us to look at and say, “Wow.” Then he said, “And this too, you shall do. And greater than this, shall you do.” And yet we go, “Oh no, no. That’s not what that really means. I can’t do that.” But yet the Christ in you does it all the time and can do it all the time. It’s a matter of us awakening to it, being born in the Spirit.
But how do you get born in the Spirit? How does that happen? How do you get pregnant in the Spirit so that you can give birth in the Spirit? Well, it really is in God’s timing. It isn’t ours. It really is in God’s timing. God has a timing for our awakening.
Remember, we are Divine. We are an essence of God in manifestation here, seated here as the soul, but that’s just a part of the greater Divinity that we really are in the Spirit. And it’s in God’s timing that we awaken into the second birth, the birth of the Spirit.
That birth takes place when we, as the Divine here, have experienced what we came into this world to experience fully. In that full experience, now it’s time for the soul to wake up in the fullness of its knowing of itself at this level, and then begin to awaken that experience on all the levels back into the very Soul, and carry it back into Soul awareness.
So, it’s in God’s timing that we wake up in the soul, that we are born again in Spirit. But, how can we become pregnant so that that birth can take place for us?
We can actually create that for ourselves by calling forward to God – creating the space for God. Allowing God in can create that place where the birth can take place.
When a couple comes together and they decide that they’re going to have a child, there are things that they do to bring about a physical birth. Sometimes they have challenges or difficulty in getting pregnant and so then there’s other things that they have to do in order to bring about the receptivity of that. So it is, with us.
If we want to awaken and be born in the Spirit, it’s up to us to create the opportunity, to create that place where the pregnancy, if you will, can take place, where the birthing can take place. We don’t do that in the world. We don’t do it by outer actions. It’s all done on the inner.
It’s an inner action, because it’s an inner process. The Spirit is inside. It isn’t out here. The Spirit is inner. So we must go inside and prepare a place.
So, prayer, meditation, self-study, service – these are the ways by which you begin to prepare a place.
The greatest way to do that is through prayer-meditation. Some people may call it prayer. Some people may call it meditation. I’ve always said it, prayer-meditation.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to the talk from: Waking Up In Spirit by Jim Gordon
- Listen to the open-ended guided meditation by Brian Yeakey from: Enter Into The Journey of Loving
- Journal focus for this month ~
- How are you preparing the place inside you to be born in the Spirit? … with self-study and LAF, and your meditation?
- In an action of preparing the place within for your meditation, write your intention in calling God forward so that you, the soul, can awaken and be born in the Spirit.
Contemplation exercise: Contemplate the following statement by Jim Gordon:
- Jesus was a great example of what the Christ looks like. He came in and he lived it fully, physically for us to look at and say, “Wow.” Then he said, “And this too, you shall do. And greater than this, shall you do.” And yet we go, “Oh no, no. That’s not what that really means. I can’t do that.” But yet the Christ in you does it all the time and can do it all the time. It’s a matter of us awakening to it, being born in the Spirit.