How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

October 2017 — GOD LOVING YOU HOME
Monthly Focus ~
“…it’s important to really practice self-love, and self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, because when we do that it begins to let go of all those attachments and things we’re trying to control. And anytime we do that, well now, there’s more room for Spirit. We’ve just “expanded that space”, so to speak, or our awareness, to allow a greater flow of Loving in us and through us. It’s a simple process. How many times have I said that just in the last half hour here? It’s a simple process.
It’s just that we ever get caught up in all the details that complicates it. So let go of the details. Let go of the trying to figure it out. Let go of trying to control to get it the way you think it should be, or want it to be, and just open up. Open up and just allow yourself to be present with whatever’s present. Give yourself an opportunity, and give God an opportunity, and see what happens.”
Full Excerpt ~
I like to often say, “Begin to look at your relationship with God here, at the seat of the soul, much like you would with the relationship with another person in the world that you dearly love”. Just like you would share your loving with another and receive another’s loving for you, begin to look at that as a relationship inside with God, where you share your loving with God and receive God’s Loving for you. And we know how wonderful that feels. We all know that. And the more we do it the more joy we have, the more peace, the more Loving, and all that comes with it.
Because, even as we allow that Loving to move in us and through us, more and more as we continue to be more open and vulnerable to allow a greater expansion of our awareness and movement of that Loving, we begin to see the reflection of the world as that Loving moves in us and through us and carries us – as we often like to say, as a River of Loving, that carries us even through our physical experience, if we allow that. If we allow it!
We just have to open to it, and move with it, and keep our “wits about us”, so to speak, always allowing our attention to keep expanding and becoming more aware even as we move through this physical creation. When we do that, we begin to see a lot of the blessings even in our physical lives. What’s funny though is, we’ll often look at it as a blessing in our physical life, not necessarily realizing really the blessing’s inside spiritually that we’re just projecting out into the physical.
So, in here, when you hear Jim and I say “Hey, how about if we make it about Spirit rather than about the physical? Let’s make this about God, not about the world”. That’s what we’re talking about. It’s simply beginning to bring our attention more focused in and up into our divinity, rather than down and out into the world.
Out here, in the world, we are always trying to make things work, and that’s where the struggle is. The funny thing is, as soon as you let go of trying to make things work and bring your attention back in and up, things just start to work out. That’s because our attachments get in the way. That River of Loving is just a joyful movement of Spirit, but then we get in the way by trying to control and manipulate, trying to get what we want and get rid of what we don’t want in this physical experience. And when we do that it gets in the way, and then we get all upset. “Why? Why am I not getting what I want? Why is God doing this to me”? It’s not God doing it to you. It’s you doing it to yourself, and we all do it! But why feel bad about that? It’s just part of what comes with this body.
That’s why it’s important to really practice self-love, and self-acceptance and self-forgiveness, because when we do that it begins to let go of all those attachments and things we’re trying to control. And anytime we do that, well now, there’s more room for Spirit. We’ve just “expanded that space”, so to speak, or our awareness, to allow a greater flow of Loving in us and through us. It’s a simple process. How many times have I said that just in the last half hour here? It’s a simple process.
It’s just that we ever get caught up in all the details that complicates it. So let go of the details. Let go of the trying to figure it out. Let go of trying to control to get it the way you think it should be, or want it to be, and just open up. Open up and just allow yourself to be present with whatever’s present. Give yourself an opportunity, and give God an opportunity, and see what happens.
It’s all a big experiment. So why not play with it as an experiment? When it’s an experiment and you consciously play with it, and you try different things out as an experiment, you’re going to start to see the different results. Those results are where you’re going to really learn and grow, and you’re going to also begin to find your way not only through life here physically, but to find your way through all these other levels of consciousness that keep clouding your awareness of the Divine Truth. That’s the journey.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to the talk by Brian Yeakey titled: GOD LOVING YOU HOME 03/22/2015
- Listen to the guided open ended meditation by Jim Gordon titled: LOTUS MEDITATION