How to Understand God (HUG)

The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.


By Brian Yeakey

Monthly Focus~  Create the space to receive God’s Loving

So, another way to look at self-study is, the way by which we as the soul can take responsibility to receive God’s Loving, not just take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions. By doing that is how we create the space to receive God’s Loving. So, meditation, self-study, giving our love to God, receiving God’s Loving, and selfless service. What is that? But now sharing. Service is sharing our experience of our own awakening of giving our loving to God and receiving God’s Loving for us.


Full Excerpt ~ 

Loving fills everything. The wisdom of the soul fills all the levels of consciousness as we create the space. So, a lot of what I’ve been talking about is what you could call the “self-study” part. 

You’ve heard us talk about this as a threefold path: meditation and prayer, self-study, and service, or I’d like to say selfless service. That self-study part, it’s a big key factor where we’re willing to really look at ourselves – the study of self. “To thine own self be true”. The study of self. Know thyself. We’ve got to really look at ourselves, pay attention. 

That’s what we do in these classes. That’s why we do retreats and workshops to begin to really look at ourselves, the good and the bad. We can’t avoid or ignore any of it. When we’re really willing to look at all the parts of ourselves is where we really learn and grow. And in that, it empowers us to then make the choices to liberate the soul. Until then, if we choose a life of ignorance, “ignorance is bliss”, right? Why go for bliss when you could go for liberation?

That empowerment of the self through self-study is the key component. But if you understand what I’m saying and you start to tie together meditation, self-study and service, and start to see how those three interconnect, this trinity action just like LAF, Loving, Accepting and Forgiving; Father, Son, Holy Spirit; Mother, Daughter, Holy Spirit, all of that – it is through that action that brings it together in the self.

So, we have meditation. Well, what do we do in meditation? We focus on God, waking up to God, loving God. We spend a lot of time focused on God, loving God, chanting the Sacred Name, which is sharing our loving with God. But that other part of receiving God’s love for us, think about this – How can we receive God’s love, if we have the damn door shut because we’re not willing to look at ourselves and take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions, and learn and grow from all that? How can we receive God’s love if we’re not willing to do that, not realizing we’re actually keeping the door shut?

So, another way to look at self-study is, the way by which we as the soul can take responsibility to receive God’s Loving, not just take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions. By doing that is how we create the space to receive God’s Loving. So, meditation, self-study, giving our love to God, receiving God’s Loving, and selfless service. What is that? But now sharing. Service is sharing our experience of our own awakening of giving our loving to God and receiving God’s Loving for us.

Are you starting to see how this ties together? That’s my hope and wish in the sharing today – is that you can begin to integrate, understand, comprehend all these trinity actions we’ve shared over the years of what all this means, how it all works together, so that it becomes a cohesive whole that you can work with to liberate your soul.

The action of the Spiritual Teacher, the real Spiritual Teacher’s the living Word of God. That living Word of God that speaks through every master, that Word that God has placed that Word in and through to work with the souls that are ready to come Home, and gives all the teachings, gives the Sacred Name of God to empower the soul to wake it up through meditation, gives the spiritual teachings, the self-study, so the soul can receive now an empowered self to break free of the karmic bondage of all the eons of experience, of baggage, of attachment. 

And then the service – for as the soul liberates itself what did I say is the true only medium of exchange, but Loving itself. The greatest service is to share that Loving with one another. That service then can only come out of the souls that truly do the first two steps.

What do you think even Jesus was saying when He said, “Love God with all your body, mind, and soul” and then meditation, “to love God with all your body, mind, and soul”? What’s the next one? “To love your neighbor as yourself”. Well, how could you love your neighbor as yourself, unless you love yourself? The self-study (loving yourself) to be able to love your neighbor, which is the service. He just simplified it to two steps. But I think too many people missed it, so we made it back to three steps. Most people miss that, “love your neighbor as yourself”, not only what it means, but how. So, we’re breaking it down to three steps. Make it a little more understandable and do-able, because obviously a lot of people have missed that, let alone the first one about going to the kingdom of God, rather than trying to bring it here.

But how are we going to do that if we don’t even value the life we have?

So, we’ve got to begin to find value, to give value, to receive value for the life we have, for the opportunity of life itself, and by practicing this three-fold path that literally God has laid out for the soul to return Home, or we’re ever going to be just searching, wandering around the world, whether it’s this world or another one. Believe me, this isn’t the first world we’ve been at. I’m not going to go into all that because it gets pretty wild and a big distraction. And we’ve all been distracted long enough.

So, what do you want and what are you willing to give up to get that which you want? I’m talking about Spirit and God, but you could apply the same thing to this world. This world’s a reflection. If there’s something you want in this world and you want to go for it, by all means go for it, because we all have our karmic lessons to fulfill. And so in that, we also have to then go do those things. 

But the same is true in Spirit. When you’re really ready to pursue Spirit and get God, this is the way by which to do that. But it is exactly the same principles and ways by which you fulfill yourself in the world or fulfill yourself in God. Same principles of life. Those principles apply across life itself regardless of which level of creation that we choose to live that or to express it – call them the laws of the universe.

I don’t read nearly as much out there like I used to, but the little bit I read, oh my God, I see so many people now as we move into this new age, all these self-help books and even all these business people are all promoting all these new self-empowerment things, because everybody is discovering there are certain key principles and the laws of the universe that apply across the board to life itself, regardless of the pursuit in which you are chasing after. Most people are just chasing after the world and applying that to the world and they’re being successful at it. But then what? 

Well, we’re doing the “then what?”, part. So, go ahead and pursue what you want in the world, fulfill yourself, because we all have the karmic lessons that come with that. But, at some point, when you’re really ready to now fulfill all of it, you’ll begin the pursuit of God and now apply those teachings and principles to that spiritual journey.

And we’re here to assist with that, to give you the necessary resources for that, and to empower you with the Sacred Name that God has given us to do, to share, to give, and it is our receiving in giving. But what do you have to give in order to receive? That’s the question you can work with maybe for the whole year, maybe the rest of your life; for-giving and for-receiving.

You want to serve yourself and serve God? Really apply yourself and now live the teachings fully. And remember to meditate, because without the meditation it’ll never fulfill it. It’ll always fall short.


Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~

    1. Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then listen to the talk from: Creating Space For God 02/17/2019 by Brian Yeakey 
    2. Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey from: Creating Space For God 02/17/2019
    3. Journal focus for this month ~ answer the following questions:
    • Read the following by Brian and then answer the question: “What do you think even Jesus was saying when He said, “Love God with all your body, mind, and soul” and then meditation, “to love God with all your body, mind, and soul”? What’s the next one? “To love your neighbor as yourself”. Well, how could you love your neighbor as yourself, unless you love yourself? The self-study (loving yourself) to be able to love your neighbor, which is the service.…But how are we going to do that if we don’t even value the life we have?” How are you going to “begin to find value, to give value, to receive value for the life you have, for the opportunity of life itself” so that you can love your neighbor as yourself?
    • What do you want with Spirit, with God? What are you willing to give up to get that which you want?
    • What do you have to give in order to receive? That’s the question you can work with maybe for the whole year, maybe the rest of your life; for-giving and for-receiving.

Contemplation exercise: Contemplate the following statement by Brian Yeakey:

    • So, another way to look at self-study is, the way by which we as the soul can take responsibility to receive God’s Loving, not just take responsibility for our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions. By doing that is how we create the space to receive God’s Loving. So, meditation, self-study, giving our love to God, receiving God’s Loving, and selfless service. What is that? But now sharing. Service is sharing our experience of our own awakening of giving our loving to God and receiving God’s Loving for us.

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