How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.
Monthly Focus ~
The greater thread that connects all of the aspects of God is Loving. And that’s why when I walk the Path of Meditation, I walk it with Loving and Gratitude because they are One in the same. They are one in the same in many ways – in many of the dynamics of Loving is Gratitude, and in Gratitude’s dynamics is Loving – Jim Gordon
Full Excerpt ~ Brian Yeakey
Do a little three-minute meditation, where you get re-centered, refocused back into the soul that you are. And once you get connected back into that, that’s why today I said, “Pay attention. Are you aware of the Divine within you?”
Because, if you’re aware of it, all you have to do is keep refocusing back into that place and live in that place, as you move forward during the day. And at any time during the day that you are not experiencing yourself living in that place, do whatever you need to do to come back to that place. Take a break. If you can do it right in the middle of a conversation, you say, “Oh, I’m caught up in the conversation. Let me return once again to the seat of the soul and experience my own loving and that Oneness with God. And let me continue this conversation as I experience that Spirit within.”
Then, as you do that, your words become more of Loving. All of your expression, your actions, your thoughts, your deeds, everything really comes from that place of Living the Loving within you. So, you don’t even have to do this and remove yourself from what’s going on. You can do it right in the middle of doing something. All it is, what I’m trying to say, is truly that process of always coming back to the spiritualized center. To always come back to living that soul that you are.
Full Excerpt ~ Jim Gordon
It’s kind of nice to be in the quiet. It’s interesting. That’s Gratitude. Quiet is Gratitude. Gratitude is quiet. In that quietness is a state of Gratitude, because it’s Peace.
We are always searching for peace. And it is really in the quiet that we are at Peace, that we are in Peace, that we can continue living in that Peace. And in the midst of the quiet and the Peace is a gratitude.
It’s so interesting. God, in all of his aspects: Joy, Peace, Loving, Forgiveness, Acceptance – in all of those there is Gratitude. And I do believe that God created all of creation out of Gratitude for the Loving that God Is, and the wanting to share that Loving with all. He, in Gratitude for that Loving expression, created it to continue it. And I have found Gratitude in every aspect of God, and the Gratitude takes me into every aspect. Gratitude has never separated me, and isn’t a separate aspect; it is One with all of it. It is a thread that connects them all.
But the greater thread that connects all of the aspects of God is Loving. And that’s why when I walk the Path of Meditation, I walk it with Loving and Gratitude because they are One in the same. They are one in the same in many ways – in many of the dynamics of Loving is Gratitude, and in Gratitude’s dynamics is Loving.
So be aware that in that place of Peace in your meditation, when things do become quiet and still and silent in that moment, just be in that.
Don’t try to find out, “Well, what’s next? Why has it got quiet? What do I do now?” Just be in the stillness, because it’s in the stillness that you truly begin to find that Divine flow.
So it’s in that stillness that you begin to hear that still, small Voice, that Audible Lifestream that is God calling the soul Home.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do 2.5 hours of daily meditation, and listen to the talks by Brian Yeakey and Jim Gordon titled: AWARENESS & GRATITUDE 11/22/05
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled: AWARENESS & GRATITUDE 11/22/05
- Journaling exercises and daily actions on the experience of Gratitude in your life:
- What does this quote mean to you?
“So it’s in that stillness that you begin to hear that still, small Voice, that Audible Lifestream that is God calling the soul Home”
- Practice bringing stillness into your life by living the meditation of Loving and Gratitude daily.
- How can you be “in that place of Peace and Loving and Gratitude while participating in the world”?