How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

June 2017 — AUSTIN CLASS Q&A
Monthly Focus~
Statements of Truth: Loving the Truth of Who You Are
Part of what we do, and this is where affirmations come into play both in the books Jim’s written but also in the LAF workbook, when we go through some of the exercises such as, Loving the Dark Stuff, that’s to get out all that negative training we had as kids, and all the hurts, the pain, the judgements and the fears. To get it all out, by writing it all out on those pages in the LAF workbook, is to move all that’s been stuck inside of us causing separation and pain. We want to get it out. Move it, move it, scoop it out of there.
Then what is the exercise after that? The Statements of Truth. Because once you clear out all the garbage, well, then you want to put the nice stuff in to replace the garbage. So you get the garbage out and put the nice stuff in…The affirmations, the Statements of Truth, are all the actions of self-love and self-acceptance that we want to do. Then the meditation afterwards, Giving It All Up To God, is to help to really integrate and anchor now the new positive aspects…The more loving, nurturing, and positive we can be with our inner child, the more joy, and happiness we’re going to find, and less and less of the reaction.
Full Excerpt~
It’s funny because some people have called what we do here, in ILM, a “spiritual psychology” because we deal a lot with the psychology, in other words the mental and emotional state, to help to bring alignment and to heal a lot of disturbances from our past. And that’s part of the aligning of the high-self, conscious-self, and the basic-self. These are all the different parts of the self.
One of the key things, when it comes to a lot of the emotional hurt, which is also part of the imagination and the body, is that “basic-self” or “inner child” level. That part does not understand information or “mind stuff”. It only knows more of the imagination and emotional feeling level. So we’ve got to approach it that way then, dealing with the emotions and imagination.
Part of what we do, and this is where affirmations come into play both in the books Jim’s written but also in the LAF workbook, when we go through some of the exercises such as, Loving the Dark Stuff, that’s to get out all that negative training we had as kids, and all the hurts, the pain, the judgements and the fears. To get it all out, by writing it all out on those pages in the LAF workbook, is to move all that’s been stuck inside of us causing separation and pain. We want to get it out. Move it, move it, scoop it out of there. Then what is the exercise after that? The Statements of Truth. Because once you clear out all the garbage, well, then you want to put the nice stuff in to replace the garbage. So you get the garbage out and put the nice stuff in.
The affirmations, the Statements of Truth, are all the actions of self-love and self-acceptance that we want to do. Then the meditation afterwards, Giving It All Up To God, is to help to really integrate and anchor now the new positive aspects. Or really that’s why I say “positive” affirmations, but I like to say “Statements of Truth” really, because it’s more affirming that Loving nature of Spirit within us, rather than just calling them affirmations. This is because sometimes affirmations still deal with positive/negative. However, that positive/negative is what speaks to the basic-self, that child-like nature, because it’s part of the positive/negative polarity.
The more loving, nurturing, and positive we can be with our inner child, the more joy and happiness we’re going to find, and less and less of the reaction. Whenever we have reaction, those are just the indicators showing us that somewhere inside of us there is still something stuck or shut down from some point in our own life, whether it’s this life or another. Usually, even if it’s another life, you don’t have to worry about that. It’s always going to show up in our childhood. One way or another it will show up. All we’ve got to do is use our “short term” memory this life rather than our “long term” memory other lives (Brian laughs)…and just do the exercises.
Go through that workbook and do Loving the Dark Stuff, do the Statements of Truth, and all of that. And talking is important too, because sometimes doing the exercises, if we are doing them on our own, we may not be as engaged. But, if we have to do it with another person often we will get more engaged, or we will avoid it more depending on our makeup.
It’s just like now as we’re talking, just like as we’re doing the exercise right now, there’s the understanding. You see, part of the conscious-self comes from the lower mind, and that’s looking down and out in the world at the rights and wrongs, positives, negatives, beliefs, and all of that. So, just like our parents as the conscious-self, well then it soon develops our conscious-self, and that’s why when you go into reaction you beat yourself up, because that’s what you are trained to do. And the child within us, the basic-self level, just keeps getting beat up over and over because it’s the “bad child”. All we do is repeat what we learned early on in life.
So, it’s not until we can really start to shift or change, through these actions of loving, acceptance and forgiveness, that basic-self nature – that’s where a lot of the work is. When we can heal a lot of these things inside then there is a clear channel for that movement of Spirit through the higher-self, basic-self, and then up to the conscious-self. That’s the way it moves. Funny thing is that we have to use the conscious-self to make the conscious choices to do the work to heal these things, and to bring that alignment within ourselves. Once you’ve realized that, you realize, “Wow, there is nothing really ever wrong. I’m never doing anything wrong. All these are, are stepping stones to help steer me in the direction of my liberation and movement back to Spirit.”
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and do LAF Course 3 “Loving The Truth Of Who You Are”
- Listen to the open-ended meditation: Loving who you are, by Brian Yeakey
- Journal your experiences from listening to the meditation, “Loving Who You Are”, and write your Statements of Truth on the worksheet, Loving the Truth of Who You Are, from LAF Course 3.