How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.
Monthly Focus ~
“Be still and know that I am God.”
That statement isn’t just about God saying, “I am God”. That is about your soul, “I am God”. For God dwells here (at the seat of the soul). God dwells in your soul as a Divine spark. So when you “be still and know that I am God”, it’s saying, “I”, my soul, is where God resides within me. And it’s for me to come into the knowing of that, to awaken into that and to live that more and more each day.
Full Excerpt ~ Jim Gordon (Part 4)
Remember. Remember That. Remember that which you are. Remember that which is the Loving. Remember that which is the simplicity of Spirit. Remember that which you are – a Soul, the Light of God, an expression of God’s Loving. And start living more the truth of who you are rather than continuing to chase after the illusion. This illusion offers us so many different opportunities to go chasing after something thinking, “There’s the answer, there’s the solution, there’s who I am”, only to find that it’s not there.
If you sit down every day for a period of time and go within, stilling the mind as best you can, rising above all the disturbances of the emotions, and the imagination, and the noise of this world, you can begin to actually experience, once again, that which you have been longing for so, so long, and begin to understand, know and experience that which you are searching for. Ultimately, it’s Loving. Ultimately, it’s connection – connection with yourself, connection with God, connection with Spirit.
The inner journey is not about separation. It’s about union. It’s about unifying yourself with that which you are, and letting go more and more of the illusion. You’re not going to leave the illusion behind. As long as you have a body, the illusion will be here, believe me. But you’ll also know where you can hold your focus and be aware of that movement of the Divine Loving within you. And you can live from that place, from the seat of the soul, rather than from the mind or the emotions or any other part of this world that we are caught up in.
I say, get caught up in Spirit, get caught up in Loving, get caught up in the truth of who you are as a soul. It resolves so many questions. It answers and quiets so many things inside of you. Because the soul, when it’s focused inward and upward on God, is in peace. It’s in harmony with itself and with the creation. That stillness, that resides there (at the seat of the soul), is where you’ll choose to live more and more. But in that stillness is so, so much. The stillness is just the doorway by which we move into that which we really are.
“Be still and know that I am God.” Well, guess what? That statement isn’t just about God saying, “I am God”. That is about your soul, “I am God”. For God dwells here (at the seat of the soul). God dwells in your soul as a Divine spark. So when you “be still and know that I am God”, it’s saying, “I”, my soul, is where God resides within me. And it’s for me to come into the knowing of that, to awaken into that and to live that more and more each day.
Every day, when I wake up, one of the first things I do when I get into this body and get caught up in the mind and the emotions, I look up. I look up within myself and there’s God, there is the light of my own soul, there’s the Truth. And when I get up and go out into the day, I keep looking up – up, up, up, to bring God into everything I do, to bring my soul present into every action, every word, everything so that I am fulfilling the truth of who I am while I’m in this body.
And I find the fulfillment by ever bringing God present into everything I am doing, everything I am saying, everything. But that begins through meditation and learning to hold your focus inward and upward. Holding your attention on the seat of the soul begins the journey. It doesn’t mean you have to focus your eyes upward, it just means close your eyes and hold your attention up here (at the seat of the soul). And eventually, that attention will expand and open upward – upward into the Spiritual Realms. You’ll move into the Soul Realm and move on into the Spiritual, and awaken into the fullness of yourself in God.
I’ve had a statement that I’ve said for many years since I was eighteen, or nineteen years old to people: “One day you’ll wake up. You’ll wake up and know who you truly are. And you will wake up and find yourself being in the Heart of God. And you’ll realize you’ve never left there. You’ve always been in the Heart of God. You, the soul, you, the Divine spark have always been there. You never left even though you’re living in this world and feeling so separate from it all, and that Divine spark, and that Truth of Loving and God, and Spirit, seems so far away, so much the illusion, and yet that is the Truth. One day you will wake up and find yourself in the Heart of God, and know that you’ve never left.”
Wouldn’t that be wonderful? To be able to walk down the street, to do your daily chores or work, to share with people around you and all the time, knowing who you truly are as a soul, knowing who you are as a Divine, Loving Being of God, and living that Loving more and more into everything that you do.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do 2.5 hours of daily meditation, and listen to the talk by Jim Gordon titled: ATTUNING TO THE FREQUENCY OF GOD, 05/17/2020
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled: ATTUNING TO THE FREQUENCY OF GOD, 05/17/2020
- Journal the following (daily):
- Ask yourself: As I go into my day, how can I… 1.) bring God into everything I do? 2.) bring my soul present into every action, every word, everything? Journal your answers.
- Answer these questions in your journal: What are the illusions I am living? What is the Truth I am living? How can I start living more the truth of who I am rather than continuing to chase after the illusion?
Contemplation exercise: Contemplate on the following statements by Jim and allow them to take you inwards into your soul. Write your awarenesses, your experience, a poem – be creative from your soul’s awareness and loving.
- “Be still and know that I am God…So when you “be still and know that I am God”, it’s saying, “I”, my soul, is where God resides within me. And it’s for me to come into the knowing of that, to awaken into that and to live that more and more each day.”
- “Stillness is just the doorway by which we move into that which we really are.”
- “The soul, when it’s focused inward and upward on God, is in peace.”
- Find a statement in Jim’s excerpt that moves you or grabs your attention and journal your awareness about it and how it pertains to your life, your spiritual life, your meditation, walking this pathway.