How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

Monthly Focus ~
The storyline of Easter is important to look at, not just as a physical story of Jesus, The Christ, but also symbolic of who we are as The Christ reawakening or being born again of Spirit as we choose the life of the Soul and make that more important than our physical life, that which is within the tomb.
Full Excerpt ~ Brian Yeakey
As I mentioned earlier, today is Orthodox Easter and it’s interesting because I don’t really have a big background in, I guess, you could say religious teachings. Religious, is the keyword there. Spiritual is another thing. The key is, really, the inner experience. And from that, if we can share that inner experience, therein lies the teaching. But more than that, it’s an inner transformation.
If we look at Easter as a storyline or a symbolism, not only of the life of Jesus or in this case, the death and then the rising, one of the ways I look at it is there was a death of the body that we call Jesus, but then on Easter was the ascension or the rising of The Christ. And that is something that is good to look at, of what we’re doing on this spiritual pathway, is that this is an action of where we are surrendering the physicality, letting it die off, putting it in its tomb, and allowing The Christ of who we are to rise up.
And there’s this process that is a dying or letting go process for that action of The Christ within us. Which as you know, here in ILM, we define The Christ as “the soul awakened”, that we are all soul, but that soul is asleep within the tomb. And therein lies the action of death within the tomb. This body is a cave or a tomb in which the soul comes into and falls asleep as it enters into its physical living.
But in this action of inner transformation where the soul, through meditation, now is reawakening, it’s a turning now from the physical of down and out and turning in and up. And in that turning action now is the action where we let go of and allow the physicality to die off, that which we’ve been giving life to now we release, and in that releasing is a dying so the soul of who we are can reawaken and now have life once again. That life spiritually, as a soul awakens, we say the soul becomes Christened or becomes The Christ, that which is awake to its Divinity.
So, in that action of awakening to the Divine that we are, that is where we all rise up out of the tomb. This spiritual doorway right here (at the seat of the soul), that we focus into and through in meditation, is the tomb that is in the story of The Christ rising. And what is that as well? It’s also a birth. It’s known as the reawakening, but it’s also the rebirth or being born again into the Spirit of who we are.
So, the storyline of Easter is important to look at, not just as a physical story of Jesus, The Christ, but also symbolic of who we are as The Christ reawakening or being born again of Spirit as we choose the life of the Soul and make that more important than our physical life, that which is within the tomb.
Think about it, even the tomb is dark. When we come into here and we allow the tombstone to close, the door to close, it’s darkness. But yet we have the inner light or the flame of our soul to light our inner kingdom. Whether we realize it or not, that is what gives awareness in our mind, our emotions, our imagination, and body. It is the light of our own soul that gives awareness so that we are even conscious here in our physicality to even know what this is as we look around, as we touch, taste, smell, hear, see, all of the five senses – the reflections of the inner senses but they’re focused down and out.
So, as we fall asleep here to Spirit we awaken to the physical to have our experience through the senses to become awake and aware of the physicality. In so doing, we lose the awareness of our Divinity – but there’s a purpose in that, there’s a learning in all of that.
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do 2.5 hours of daily meditation, and listen to the talk by Brian Yeakey titled: ASCENSION OF THE SOUL, 04/19/2020
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled: ASCENSION OF THE SOUL, 04/19/2020
- Journal: Answer the following questions (daily):
- What are you learning from the experience of your physicality (what you’re LAF-ing)?
- What does it mean to you to “choose the life of the Soul”?
- What awarenesses are you having as you’re awakening to your Divinity?
Contemplation exercise: Contemplate on the following statement by Brian and then answer the question below.
- “In this action of inner transformation where the soul, through meditation, now is reawakening, it’s a turning now from the physical of down and out and turning in and up. And in that turning action now is the action where we let go of and allow the physicality to die off, that which we’ve been giving life to now we release, and in that releasing is a dying so the soul of who we are can reawaken and now have life once again.”
What are you letting go of and allowing to die off in the physicality of your life so the soul of who you are can reawaken?