How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

February 2017 — Application of LAF worksheet
Monthly Focus~
Ask yourself: “What am I protecting, defending, or trying to control?”
You know, the simple thing to do is, if you open the LAF workbook to the very beginning of the Application of LAF we have, the first question is: What are you trying to protect, defend or control? That’s a really easy one! “What are you trying to protect, defend or control?” Right there sums up the ego. Right there! If you’re doing any of that, which you are – everybody is, even I am, that’s why I’m still in a body myself – if you’re doing that well there’s no need to go any further. Just work on that one for the rest of your life. You work on that first question, and you do the meditation, you’ll get liberated. If you want simplicity, there you go.
Full Excerpt~
So the key really is: Do the meditation and do the LAF. That’s it. That’s what it always boils down to and we just really need to take the time to do that. I would really ask, especially if you’re an initiate, if you’re not doing the two and a half hours a day of meditation, I would really ask that you start to make an effort to do that because that’s really the key for all of this. That’s what’s going to really liberate the soul. If you’re not doing that, then I don’t know what you’re doing. As an initiate we’ve made it very clear and have laid out this pathway of liberation, and if that’s what you truly seek and desire, well then why aren’t you doing it? If you are doing it, give yourself a pat on the back, really, because I know it’s not easy to put in the time. Then once you’re doing that, then start to really look at, “Now how can I put into practice the spiritual principles, like the LAF, and how do I work that?” Then of course, service. That’s the third action of the three-fold path we’re doing here, in ILM. But, until we’re really doing the first service to ourselves with the meditation and understanding the whole thing of taking responsibility for our thoughts and feelings, actions and reactions, and practicing LAF with all that, there’s not much need to do outer service. So that’s really key – to pay attention to all of that.
You know, the simple thing to do is, if you open the LAF workbook to the very beginning of the Application of LAF we have, the first question is: What are you trying to protect, defend or control? That’s a really easy one! “What are you trying to protect, defend or control?” Right there sums up the ego. Right there! If you’re doing any of that, which you are – everybody is, even I am, that’s why I’m still in a body myself – if you’re doing that well there’s no need to go any further. Just work on that one for the rest of your life. You work on that first question, and you do the meditation, you’ll get liberated. If you want simplicity, there you go. If you can get to the point where you no longer are protecting, defending or trying to control anything, and you’re doing the meditation you’ll get liberated; I’ll guarantee that. But the problem is, we don’t take the time to do it. We don’t take the time to consistently meditate, ten percent of the day, everyday. We’ll do it once in awhile. We’ll pull out the LAF workbook because I just said something now, and look at that and go, “Wow, that’s interesting,” and then think about it for a minute or two and put it away. That doesn’t do it! That doesn’t do it. What I’m asking now is, “What are you doing as an initiate?”
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Do two and a half hours of daily meditation, and then do the “Application of LAF” worksheet from LAF Course 1
- Listen to Jim’s guided meditation: SOUL ALIGNMENT
- With every disturbance you feel, journal the question: “What am I trying to protect, defend and/or control, in myself and in others?”