
Upcoming Events: Online


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Meditation, Sharings and Q&A with Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

Brian Yeakey
Jim Gordon
Event Date: September 15, 2024 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
This live stream includes meditation and sharings from Brian and Jim. We will then take a 45-minute break. After the break, we will return to LIVE Stream the Q&A.

Confessions & Counselings with Brian Yeakey

Brian Yeakey
Event Date: September 22, 2024 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
Brian will share in great depth and detail about how to really work the LAF process and Accepting Responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions by taking everyone who would like to, through the actual experience of what it is to really work the process.

LAF Class with Kelsie McSherry

Keslie McSherry
Event Date: October 13, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
The LAF class is designed to support those wanting to dive deeper into the actions of Loving, Accepting, and Forgiving.

Meditation, Sharings and Q&A with Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

Brian Yeakey
Jim Gordon
Event Date: October 20, 2024 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
This live stream includes meditation and sharings from Brian and Jim. We will then take a 45-minute break. After the break, we will return to LIVE Stream the Q&A.

LAF Class with Kelsie McSherry

Keslie McSherry
Event Date: November 03, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
The LAF class is designed to support those wanting to dive deeper into the actions of Loving, Accepting, and Forgiving.

Meditation, Sharings and Q&A with Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

Brian Yeakey
Jim Gordon
Event Date: November 17, 2024 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
This live stream includes meditation and sharings from Brian and Jim. We will then take a 45-minute break. After the break, we will return to LIVE Stream the Q&A.

LAF Class with Kelsie McSherry

Keslie McSherry
Event Date: December 01, 2024 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
The LAF class is designed to support those wanting to dive deeper into the actions of Loving, Accepting, and Forgiving.

Confessions & Counselings with Brian Yeakey

Brian Yeakey
Event Date: December 08, 2024 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
Brian will share in great depth and detail about how to really work the LAF process and Accepting Responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions by taking everyone who would like to, through the actual experience of what it is to really work the process.

Meditation, Sharings and Q&A with Jim Gordon and Brian Yeakey

Brian Yeakey
Jim Gordon
Event Date: December 15, 2024 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM CDT
Location: Worldwide
Restriction: Open to public
This live stream includes meditation and sharings from Brian and Jim. We will then take a 45-minute break. After the break, we will return to LIVE Stream the Q&A.

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