How to Understand God (HUG)
The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.

What is laughter? What is laughter?
It is God waking up! Oh, it is God waking up!
It is the sun poking its sweet head out
From behind a cloud
You have been carrying too long,
Veiling your eyes and heart
It is the Light breaking ground for a great Structure
That is your Real body – called Truth.
It is happiness applauding itself and then taking flight
To embrace everyone and everything in this world.
Laughter is the polestar
Held in the sky by our Beloved,
Who eternally says,
“Yes, dear ones, come this way,
Come this way toward Me and Love!
Come with your tender mouths moving,
And your beautiful tongues conducting songs
And with your movements – your magic movements
Of hands and feet and glands and cells – Dancing!
Know that to God’s Eye,
All movements are a Wondrous Language,
And Music – such exquisite, wild Music!”
Oh, what is laughter, Hafiz?
What is the precious love and laughter
Budding in our hearts?
It is the glorious sound
Of a soul waking up!
~ I Heard God Laughing by Hafiz.
Monthly Focus ~
Let Go. Let God.
Meditation is coming back to the Spirit of who we are, where all the peace, the love, the joy, the solidity, the stability all resides. It’s always coming back to there (to the Spirit of who we are).
Full Excerpt, Part 3 (before Jim’s talk) ~ Brian Yeakey
So just be aware. Always go for the Loving. Go for the Loving. The truth that is the Loving, has nothing to do with the past of time and space of who we were or the future of who we will be or not be. It doesn’t matter at all. It doesn’t even matter what the future will be for the whole planet and the universe. It doesn’t matter what it was in the past. It doesn’t matter if you think you get psychic guidance and the angels talk to you, or somebody else tells you. That’s still all time and space. It’s still all time and space.
I hear people say, “But my hunches and intuition are often accurate.” Well, yeah, because guess why? Because you, the soul are a creator. So, if you believe something to be so, guess what you’re going to create in your life? So it is so. But does that mean it’s the truth, or did you just create another illusion? “Yeah, it’s true. I created another illusion.” Oh, it’s true. It’s another illusion. See what I’m saying? It’s kind of crazy, right? You go, “Oh, but when I’m not following my intuition, my life doesn’t seem to go as well.”
Maybe you’re letting go of the illusion, and you’re finding a new foundation, and you feel yourself a little chaotic or whacked out or something because you feel like you’re losing your footing. But maybe all you’re doing is letting go of your attachments in the world so that you can now begin to move your focus higher into Spirit.
It’s okay to feel a little bit shaky at times because that shaking is the releasing of all these things we’ve been caught up in and holding onto, and that’s been holding onto us. “Don’t let go!” Because that’s what it does, and that’s what we do.
But what do we hear all the time on this pathway? Let go. Let God. But then we say, “No, don’t let go.” Then what comes with that? “Don’t let God.” In the letting go, there is going to be shaking. Just be aware of that and know that it’s okay because in the shaking is the greater freedom of the soul as the shackles that it has been bound in, are now being released. There’s good news and the bad news, in other words.
So when you’re in the shaking, know it’s a good thing, and if you need to find your peace because you’re all stressed out about it, sit down and meditate. Go back to that place of peace. If you’re not peaceful, then go to where peace resides, and that’s where this meditation takes you.
You don’t need to try and go figure it out, go running to everybody trying to hold on because you’re actually letting go right now. So let go and go back to where the peace resides. Even if you run to somebody in the world because they seem so stable and they help you to come to that peaceful place, realize how it is they’re helping you to get there. Is it really them doing it, or are they just living in that place of peace so you have an outer reflection that you can begin to see, so you can begin to see it in yourself, to come back to that place of stability for you?
That’s how it really works. There’s no magic in this, sorry. And that’s the good news. It’s a very simple and practical action, and that’s how this pathway is. It always is about meditation, right? But what is meditation? Meditation is coming back to the Spirit of who we are, where all the peace, the love, the joy, the solidity, the stability all resides. It’s always coming back to there (to the Spirit of who we are).
Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~
- Mediate 2.5 hours daily, and listen to the talk by Brian Yeakey (part 3 before Jim’s talk) titled INNER TRUTH OR ILLUSION 10/25/2009
- Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled INNER TRUTH OR ILLUSION 10/25/2009
- Journal the following:
- Name or describe what is present in your inner and/or outer life right now where you are in disturbance.
- Look to see what you can “let go” of that is creating the disturbance inside you, and name it, i.e., Is it a feeling, a thought, or a belief?
- Once you’ve named it, close your eyes and “let God in” to assist you in letting go of the disturbance. Allow your soul’s loving to accept it, forgive your judgments of it, and love it all, returning to the Loving of God and Peace within.
- Open your eyes and describe in your journal what you are aware of that is present within you right now.
Contemplation exercise: Contemplate the following statements by Brian Yeakey:
So just be aware. Always go for the Loving. Go for the Loving. The truth that is the Loving, has nothing to do with the past of time and space of who we were or the future of who we will be or not be. It doesn’t matter at all. It doesn’t even matter what the future will be for the whole planet and the universe. It doesn’t matter what it was in the past. It doesn’t matter if you think you get psychic guidance and the angels talk to you, or somebody else tells you. That’s still all time and space. It’s still all time and space.
Meditation is coming back to the Spirit of who we are, where all the peace, the love, the joy, the solidity, the stability all resides. It’s always coming back to there (to the Spirit of who we are).