How to Understand God (HUG)

The monthly focus is a written excerpt taken from one of Jim and Brian’s talks, with a link to listen to the entire talk. In holding to a one-pointed focus on Spirit, each month we post a new written excerpt by either Jim or Brian. The worldwide monthly focus on Spirit helps us collectively deepen our understanding of God.



Monthly Focus ~ 

God looks at every soul and every experience of every soul as a great success. 

Through the eyes of human beings at this level it’s possible that you can judge yourself or others can judge you. But, if you look through the eye of God, that eye of Loving, that eye of Simplicity, there is no failure. It is always a movement towards God.  


Full Excerpt ~ Jim Gordon

The one thing I have found on this pathway is let it all be okay. Do not place judgments on anything, anyone, any situation. Let it all be okay, because then if it’s okay, then you can make choices into what it is you want to be doing, into that place where you want to be, much easier. 

When you place a judgment on something, when you place something as wrong in your life, or in others, you’ve now limited yourself. You’ve limited the potential of movement. You’ve limited your freedom, and you’ve anchored yourself back into a place that maybe you don’t want to be in again.

So, if you find yourself getting caught up in an old habit pattern that you thought, “boy, I thought I was done with that,” love it, honor it, appreciate it, even look at it and say, “Welcome. What else do you have to teach me?” 

But realize that, in that moment that it comes present, what it really is there to teach you is: have you really freed yourself of this creation? Have you really freed yourself of the creation that this habit is all about?

The one thing I know that habits are, is they are the seed of unworthiness, and in the middle of that seed is a seed of longing; a longing for something that we are wanting to fulfill, that we are wanting to have complete. And truly the seed of longing that that is, is the longing to go Home, the longing to be loved by God, the longing to merge into the Loving with God, the longing to be in God’s arms and to be held, and to be taken care of, and to be nurtured, and to hear once again how good we, as a child of God, are and then how much we are loved.

But because of unworthiness, we redirect that energy of longing to be fulfilled in other ways, and that becomes our habit patterns in the world: through food, through alcohol, through drugs, through sex, through whatever. 

So let that all be okay and just recognize it. “Oops, I’m misdirecting this loving. I’m misdirecting and misunderstanding this longing to go Home to God. So what is it here that just happened? Oh, I haven’t meditated for a few days. I haven’t been holding an inner focus. I’ve been getting caught up in other people’s situations and problems and taking them on as my own. I’m getting out in the world and living out there so much that I’m not taking care of me physically, emotionally, or mentally. I get it. So of course I’ve given opportunity for these old patterns to come up because I have misdirected that flow that is a seed of the longing to go Home to God, and now I’m longing back into the world.”

So make it all okay and you’ll understand it better, you’ll see it better, and you’ll allow yourself a great freedom to just walk life’s journey to experience it all and to wake up into the fullness of it. We have to experience it all to be fulfilled here. If we avoid anything or if we make something wrong and try to separate ourselves from it, we just make it that much harder.  

There are so many mystics that deny this and avoid that and run away, and yet I know that they come back. They come back because they have made a judgment on something that pulls them back down here. Make nothing wrong and you will find yourself living in freedom, right now, in this world. 

At that time when the last breath does come, you will be living in freedom as you have not even imagined it – a freedom from this creation, a freedom from the longing and the need to be here, a freedom to fly into the Realms of Spirit, into pure Loving, and to merge into places you can’t even imagine. There is no way for anyone to ever say what that’s like until you yourself are there. There are so many different statements about this place, and yet it’s not true. It’s much greater than any word, any statement, any definition that’s been given. The best I can say is, it’s “pure Loving”, it’s the movement of Loving. It’s that place where you and the Divine, you and the Creator, in Loving are One. And you are God’s Loving in action, in motion, in doing, in creation, and God is that Loving in you, in the doing, in the motion, in the action, in the creation, and there’s no separation. There’s no difference. It’s One.

So, it was a lot of fun for me today to be rising up through the Realms to go higher and then stop because here’s this man that falls at my feet crying, and then another and another and another. And it wasn’t until the fourth one was talking that I realized, “Oh my goodness, this is all one Soul. This is just several lifetimes. This is the experience of the journey of the soul Home to God.” That’s who we all are. Don’t look back and say, “Who was I then?” And don’t look forward and wonder, “Am I going to have to incarnate again?” Be present now, and do that which is now for you. And if you are a good disciple, meditating all the time, following every word of every statement of your teacher, and living the perfect life, that’s great. And if you’re not, that’s great because it’s all perfect.

It’s God in you doing what God is to do right now in you, through you for God’s fulfillment. If you can begin to see that, and really know that, “oh my God it’s all perfect”. 

So who cares what it is you’re doing or not doing, or how you’re doing or if you’re doing. It doesn’t matter. What matters is you’re doing, you’re experiencing, you’re here, and that’s the fulfillment of this moment. That’s the fulfillment of this lifetime. There are no failures in God’s journey. There are no failures. God looks at every soul and every experience of every soul as a great success. That’s the wonder of it all.

What? You’re talking about my lifetime as a great success? Are you kidding me? Through the eyes of human beings at this level it’s possible that you can judge yourself or others can judge you. But, if you look through the eye of God, that eye of Loving, that eye of Simplicity, there is no failure. It is always a movement towards God.  


Monthly Focus “going Home work” ~

  1. Mediate 2.5 hours daily, and listen to the talk by Jim Gordon (part 3) titled Fulfillment Through Loving 03/25/2007 
  2. Listen to the guided meditation by Brian Yeakey titled Fulfillment Through Loving 03/25/2007
  3. Journal the following: 
    • Think of an old habit pattern that you find yourself getting caught up in that you thought you were done with, and write it down.
    • Take a moment to pause and love it, honor it, and appreciate it by saying to it, “Welcome. What else do you have to teach me?” Journal your awareness on what it has come back to teach you.
    • What situations, self and others, or areas of your life are you judging? Journal about making it all okay to better see and understand other choices you can make about what you want to be doing.
    • Take action and do what you want to be doing, rather than judging yourself, others and your life situations, circumstances and experiences.


    • The one thing I have found on this pathway is let it all be okay. Do not place judgments on anything, anyone, any situation. 
    • Let it all be okay, because then if it’s okay, then you can make choices into what it is you want to be doing, into that place where you want to be, much easier. 
    • When you place a judgment on something, when you place something as wrong in your life, or in others, you’ve now limited yourself. You’ve limited the potential of movement. You’ve limited your freedom, and you’ve anchored yourself back into a place that maybe you don’t want to be in again.
    • So make it all okay and you’ll understand it better, you’ll see it better, and you’ll allow yourself a great freedom to just walk life’s journey to experience it all and to wake up into the fullness of it. 
    • We have to experience it all to be fulfilled here. If we avoid anything or if we make something wrong and try to separate ourselves from it, we just make it that much harder. 

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